Copenhagen Diary #12

Not running sucks

Joseph Emmi
The Running Log
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2018


I have not much to say today. I didn’t run last night with the crew (like every Tuesday).

It all started very early yesterday when I woke feeling really bad, having to spend the day in bed, which is not particularly my favourite thing to do.

Despite of thinking that I would get better as the day progressed (it wasn’t that serious) it actually didn’t happen. I didn’t managed to recover 100%, carrying with me that cloudiness in the head that stays with you after a headache and/or bad sleep.

Arrived the time I genuinely felt like going out, but stepped into that thin line that makes you wonder if going out for a run can actually make you feel better or just make things worst.

Based on the odds, the chance of worsen things and that weird feeling in the head going back and forth, I decided to stay and just rest for whatever was left of the day.

Yes, this is the last thing you want to have to do less than 3 weeks before race day, and yes, it is also hits a bit the morale when you are truly willing to get out to make the most out of the very few runs left of your training; BUT, what can I do?

You know what they say, rather to lose a run and recover well, than mess it up and totally miss the marathon you’ve been training for the last 3 months. It is a very popular say indeed.

This article is part of my #100DayProject #100DaysofWriting – Day 23 of 100

