Copenhagen Diary #15
Did I burn myself out?
Sunday was glorious, this week have not been that much. I’ve been since Monday feeling not great at all, like I am sick. My body feels weak, my eyes heavy and the head gets a bit dizzy every now and then.
I thought that maybe I got a bit of a cold after the run, but since I’ve been taking pills for it and the effects have not been significantly better I started to wonder if I just took it all out of me on Sunday?
Can it be that that run takes it all out of me making me feel this weak? You know that feeling when you don’t have the symptoms of the flu or a cold but your body is not at its best and even getting the chills at times? Like that!
Maybe I did actually get a cold?
Or, is it both? Went so hard that shocked my body and immune system, making more susceptible to the environment?
I really don’t know, but it does not feel great at all. And you know how it is, the closer we get, the less of this you would like to face.
I hope things improve as the week progresses and to take it easy on Sunday and afterwards, because race day is around the corner.
This article is part of my #100DayProject #100DaysofWriting — Day 29 of 100