Love In Time

Timing may be the most important part of love.

S.A.N.D. Stories


How often is someone ready and willing to love, but for whatever reason the other is not? I know you too contemplate the many possibilities. We all have the ability to have intense connections with so many people.

How do we ready ourselves for the moment when love is ready for us?

Lou Barlow said, “Anyone could be a brand new love.”

Lou is right. Perhaps you fall in love with a gorgeous girl from Finland and spend the summer in Helsinki, a month before taking a job in Japan that lasts five years. Timing spoiled my brand new love.

Bob Dylan said, “All I really want to do is, baby, be friends with you.”

Bob is right too. Perhaps your friend, the coolest nerdiest girl, who always comes to visit you while you work at the UCLA Geology Library, really loves you, but school is finished and you leave for New York to make an album with your best friend. Turns out I wanted to love you too, but timing forced me to, baby, be friends with you.

Max Ehrmann (via Leonard Nimoy) said, “Be yourself. Especially, do not fein affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.”

Max is right as well. We cannot be cynical. We must accept the love that comes to us. When someone says ‘I love you’, don’t ask why.

The love that finds you when you are receptive, is the love you need — and the love you will be ready for.

