Become a Writer for The S Line

Sandeep Varsani
The S Line
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2020

How we publish your stories!

Welcome to The S Line: The best-curated stories providing you life lessons and so much more to live a better life.

If you’d like to become a writer for us, then you’re in the right place.

At ‘The S Line’, we pride ourselves on compelling stories, but, we also want to be sure that your stories match our themes and formatting styles. Please read till the end to make sure you know everything to get your stories published.

1) How to become a writer for us?

We all know the pain of waiting days for a publication to review your submission to their publications with no response.

At ‘The S Line’, we value our writers and try to be as quick as we possibly can when it comes to responding & publishing your work. We aim to respond to our writers within 24 hours of your submission.

If you’d like to become a writer for us, then:

Drop a comment on this post below, requesting to contribute as a writer…

Sometimes, we may have missed your comment! So if you don’t hear from us in 24 hours then please resubmit your request. We never want to turn away a writer!

2) You have been added to write for us, What’s Next?

All those who are new to Medium and do not know how to submit their articles to a publication are requested to read this part.

  1. Open the draft of the story you’d like to submit.
  2. Click the ( ) icon in the top-right corner of the page to open your story settings. [Just refer the image above]
  3. Select Add to the publication from the drop-down list.
  4. Choose ‘The S Line’ publication and then click Save. It’s that simple!
Image by Sandeep Varsani

3) Responding to your Story submissions

Our response time varies, but most of the time we‘ll get back to you in a few hours. If we don’t respond to you within 3 days, then please assume that we have not accepted your work on this occasion. But at The S Line, we hate to leave writers hanging, so if your story is not accepted, then we will try our best to give you feedback on our reasoning or some feedback on what changes you can make for your submission to be published.

If your story is selected however, we don’t want you to feel left hanging with no response and we definitely don’t want to lose your story. So, we will leave you a note to inform you of your successful submission and an estimate on when it will be published.

We try and schedule our posts and limit the number of published stories on each day to make sure that our writers are getting the best exposure they deserve for the hard work that they have put in.

4) Aligning with our Themes

We love to publish your stories, but sometimes that doesn’t fit our main themes.

We accept stories that include the following themes:

Love, Startups, Success Stories, Health, Life, Relationships, Experiences, Mental Health, Personal Development, and Growth.

However, here at ‘The S Line’, we don’t want to turn anyone away so, so we’d love to have any submissions outside our main themes. These stories will be curated onto our main landing page and into other pages that may have relevant tags.

We don’t want to restrict our writers to a particular niche and want the creative juices to flow.

After all, themes are subjective!

5) Now for the Rules :

Submit Unpublished Drafts only: We want your articles to be in the most editable form so that we can easily make changes if required before publishing.

We have the right to edit your story: We can edit your story if it contains any grammatical or formatting issues. We want our stories to be as intended by the writer!

After all, it is your story.

We will try not to change too much unless we think that it could do with a little tinker here and there.

Although all stories are proofread, reviewed, and edited before publishing, we request that you run your stories through a spell check on Grammarly. It helps check for any grammatical errors and gives you the best chance of being accepted.

We will not be accepting articles from writers who publish with our publication and then publish the same stories elsewhere on Medium.

6)And Finally…

Thank you for getting this far. We hope, and are excited to have you on board as a writer.

Tell us what you think of ‘The S Line’.

We’d love if you could spare a couple of minutes of your time to drop us a comment below on what you think below. We are happy to receive any feedback on how we can improve. We aren’t perfect by any means so your feedback will help us to become better.

To all of you writers,

Keep writing! Keep Inspiring!



Sandeep Varsani
The S Line

Photographer & Engineer exploring the world of writing