Why Spring ’23 is the Best Time to Take Your Power Back Pt. 3: Uranus in Taurus

Karin M. Yearwood
The 9th Cup
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2023
the planet Uranus
Photo by SIMON LEE on Unsplash

Since May 2018, the great disrupter, Uranus, has been transiting through the sign of Taurus. Some planets move quickly and others have more of a long-term stay in each sign. Uranus would be one of the latter. He will be in Taurus until 2026. Although this transit means many things collectively as well as on an individual level, we can most certainly use this energy to take our power back after adverse experiences.

As I mentioned in my previous posts in this series, Taurus is Venus-ruled. So Uranus is going to disrupt the topics and subjects of Venus. They are but are not limited to, money (think of our current banking system), resources (food price spikes/infant formula shortage), earth (more climate crisis and disaster), and of course relationships. Our business partnerships, romance connections, familial relationships, and our relationship to self. When Uranus is in Venus’ sign, all — or at least most — of the above will be changed suddenly, drastically, and sometimes harshly.

But as always, we can use the energies to our benefit rather than letting these energies use us. Since the nature of Uranus is a “flash of lighting” change, it is expected for most of us to be reactive. But what if we could master responsiveness? What if we could lean into radical change and ask our higher power for guidance instead of asking for some kind of “fixing” or repairing? This is where we can use the fixed, grounded energy of Taurus and Venus.

Since people with personality disorders love sewing seeds of discord in your fields of peace, why not beat them to the punch and disrupt your own patterns? Many of us have become predictable or creatures of habit as a trauma response. But if we can, in a healthy way, be mysterious and flexible, then these Uranian flashes will actually put wind beneath our wings.

One of the light aspects of Taurus is that it is slow, efficient, steady, and nourishes growth. So of course changing your decisions and choices as it relates to relationships will take time, but those unexpected blasts from Uranus can be seen as new routes being formed and cleared for greater abundance and deeper healing.

We have 3 more years of this Uranian/Taurean energy blessing the sky. Start to use it now to shift narratives of victimhood and stagnancy. It’d be a shame if you didn’t.

If you are interested in learning more about how Uranus transit Taurus can impact your life, I invite you to book a session with me. I can help you understand your astrology chart and give you specific advice on how to make the most of it.



Karin M. Yearwood
The 9th Cup

Transcending the ceiling of perceived limitations and inspiring others to do the same. Free Hypnosis For Releasing Heavy Emotions at www.karinmyearwood.com