How to Build a High-End Salon or Spa Brand

John Hallberg
The Salon Business
Published in
6 min readMar 22, 2024

Your brand.

Could this be your business’s most important asset?

I believe so.

It sets your business apart from everyone else.

Your services are not a commodity. They are not just a solution to a problem. If you think of them that way, you are letting yourself down.

What you offer is bigger.

A promise. An experience. A relationship.

Not just a solution to a problem.

Getting your branding right can change everything. I have seen it. This is why I’ve put together a full course that walks you through A-Z of building a high-end premium brand.

And I’m releasing all the lessons right here.

If you enjoy it, hate it, or just have a question about the content, feel free to post it in the comments on this page, and I’ll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Any resources I may mention are available to download for free in our member's area (where you find all my courses). If you don’t have an account, you can register here.

1. Welcome! (START HERE)

2. How this make your pricing irrelevant

Moving from offering a “solution to a problem” to a premium brand experience brings significant benefits. In this lesson, we’re covering why paying attention to this is vital.

3. About the Instructor (optional)

In this module, I’m sharing my background to help you understand where my perspective on branding comes from. You don’t need to watch this one unless you’re interested :)

4. The concept of branding

Your brand isn’t just a logo, a tagline, or the interior design of your salon. In this lesson, you’ll learn what a brand really is.

5. The 8-part framework that makes up your salon or spa brand

This lesson covers two fundamental concepts that will be referred to throughout the course — brand strategy and brand identity.

6. The secrets of high-end, luxury salons and spas, used to position themselves above any competition

This course is all about building a premium brand. But what does that mean, and how are high-end brands different from “regular” brands? This is what we’re covering in this lesson.

7. Your role as a business owner

In this lesson, we’ll explore your unique role as a brand owner and how to manage it.

8. Introduction to the brand strategy workshops

It’s time for you to get to work on your brand. This is how we’re going to do it.

9. Workshop: Defining your offer

In this workshop, you will clarify and define what you offer.

Your proposition should 1) define what you do, 2 ) clarify the problem you solve, 3) explain what you do differently, and 4) be concise and easy to understand.

10. Workshop: Your target client

In this workshop, you will draft a description of your ideal client.

The benefit of having a clearly defined target client for your brand is that you:

  1. Avoid diluting your message when trying to please everyone
  2. Get the clients you want
  3. Save marketing budget when you know who to target
  4. Stay client-centric vs. looking at what the competition is doing
  5. Differentiate your brand from other similar businesses targeted at another type of client

11. Workshop: Your positioning

In this workshop, you will define your positioning, that is, how you are different (in the customer’s mind) from similar businesses in your area.

Having a precise positioning is important as it:

  1. Enables you to compete on value, not price
  2. Break through the clutter & amplify your story
  3. Make it easier for people to book & buy from you

12. Workshop: Your purpose

In this workshop, you will write your purpose statement, which is a summary of why your business exists.

Being clear on your purpose is essential as it:

  1. Gives your business a greater meaning
  2. Motivates and unites your team
  3. Connects with clients on a deeper, emotional level

13: Workshop: Your vision & mission

In this workshop, you will draft your vision and mission statements.

Being clear on your vision and mission gives you and your team clarity on the direction you are heading in.

14: Workshop: Your values

In this workshop, you will define the values of your brand and business.

Your values describe the desired culture and serve as a behavior compass. This is important for a service-based business like yours, as client interactions are a core in how your brand is perceived.

15: Workshop: Your story

In this workshop, you will start drafting the story behind why your business is what it is today.

Having a spelled-out story is essential as it:

  1. Enriches your brand and elevates the perception of it
  2. Connects with people on an emotional level
  3. Gives credibility to your brand purpose
  4. Good for PR: People love stories, and they travel

16. Workshop: Your Character

In this workshop, you will define the personality of your brand.

Your brand’s character:

  1. Guides all executions of your brand: language, tone-of-voice, music, colors, textures, visual expression
  2. Help create an emotional connection with clients

17. Bringing Your Brand to Life

You have completed the toughest part of this course. By now, you should have a good first draft of your brand strategy. This will be the foundation for the remainder of this course as we start working on expressing this strategy.

18. Brand Identity

In this lesson, we will explore brand identity and how you can create a brand identity for your business.

19. Salon Logo Design

This video demonstrates how typography and font selection influence perceptions of your salon or spa brand. Discover the messages conveyed by different font styles and how to use them effectively in your branding and marketing efforts.

20. Why Color Matters

In this lesson, I explore the impact of color on business perception. Learn key color theory principles and how different hues subconsciously evoke specific emotions and attitudes. Apply these insights to create effective branding and marketing color schemes.

21. How to Choose a Name for Your Salon

This video offers essential tips for creating the ideal name for your salon or spa business. Your name is a crucial element of your brand identity.

22. Hair Salon Logo Design

Your logo is a vital representation of your business. Follow these essential tips to create a timeless logotype that communicates your brand identity effectively.

23. Bring Your Salon Branding to Life

Your company culture is a vital reflection of your brand to clients. These tips will help you: 1. Align your culture with your brand strategy 2. Engage employees in the branding process 3. Effectively implement your new brand identity. Following these insights will create a cohesive brand experience internally and externally.

24. How to Hire a Freelancer or Marketing Agency

This section covers:

  • Effective collaboration with freelancers and marketing agencies for salon/spa branding
  • Guidance on which branding elements to outsource vs. DIY
  • Cost-saving strategies
  • Resources for finding inspiration and hiring talent online

25. How to Find Salon Design Inspiration

The video offers guidance on using Behance, a platform for creative professionals, to find branding and design inspiration. I explain:

  1. Effective search techniques
  2. How to navigate and bookmark preferred designs
  3. Steps to implement your salon or spa branding vision when collaborating with freelancers or agencies

26. Tips for Ordering Brand Design Work

In this lesson, I provided advice on commissioning brand design through 99designs, a platform connecting clients with freelance graphic designers. I explain how to use their “contest” feature, which allows multiple designers to compete for your project, resulting in custom logos, graphics, websites, and other design work.

27. How to Hire a Designer

This video provides guidance on commissioning brand design work through Upwork, a freelance platform connecting clients with various creative professionals. It covers creating effective job listings and selecting skilled designers to elevate your salon or spa’s brand identity.

28. Tips for Working With Freelancers

In this video, I explain how to effectively brief designers for your salon’s branding. I cover the essentials of clear communication, providing comprehensive overviews, and outlining project specifics. A well-prepared brief is key to successful collaboration and achieving your desired brand identity.

29. How to Give Feedback to Agencies and Designers

Here, I shared key principles for giving effective feedback on creative projects, focusing on salon branding and logo design. I emphasized the importance of trusting your gut feeling, providing respectful and constructive feedback, and maintaining good relationships with agencies and freelancers.

30. Outsourcing vs. DIY: Which is Better

In this lesson, I discussed the trade-offs between outsourcing and DIY for salon branding and marketing. I recommend outsourcing brand identity creation but handling brand experience and social media in-house. Content creation and branding skills can be learned, potentially reducing outsourcing needs. Consider time, expertise, and budget when choosing between outsourcing and DIY salon marketing.

31. Conclusion: You Just Built The Best New Premium Salon Brand

I hope this comprehensive course has opened your eyes to the importance of branding in the salon and spa industry. Apply these strategies and watch your salon evolve into a premium brand that stands out.

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