What are the similarities between building a product and making a movie?

Samurai Strider
The Samurai Product
2 min readFeb 28, 2023
Photo by Brock DuPont on Unsplash

I have always been fascinated by the fact that thoughts and expressions cross domains and become an integral part of us. We tend to overlook the similarities between the various domains, and when you look closer you will find out how much overlap there is between them.

As the British writer Bernard Beckett once wrote:

“Which came first, the mind or the idea of the mind? Have you never wondered? They arrived together. The mind is an idea.”

In fact, there is an interesting overlap between the development of software and the production of movies. As such, without taking too much of your valuable time, let’s jump straight into the nitty gritty of what’s going on

1. Every product has a market and a genre — just as movies also have a market and a genre.

2. The product manager writes a PRD based on the user requirements and the writer writes a script according to the preferences of the audience

3. A product is built by engineers — a movie is made by the production team (technicians, cameramen, production units, etc.)

4. The designer is responsible for the aesthetics of the product, as well as the user journey — the director is responsible for the look and feel of the entire movie

5. Stakeholders (Founders, other teams) fund the product development — Producers fund the movie

6. The prototype of a product is similar to the storyboard of a movie

7. A product’s beta/alpha test is similar to a movie’s preview/test screening

8. Both require a combination of creativity and technical expertise

9. Releasing a feature/product — Releasing a movie

10. The marketing and sales of a product, similar to the marketing and distribution of a movie

11. This product version is similar to the sequel to the movie

12. A product released on the web/app store/play store, which can be paid or free. A movie released in theatres, on an OTT platform or on YouTube, which can be free or paid.

13. The product feedback is similar to the movie review

14. Frontend or UI developer is like a cameraman

15. The backend developer and engineering manager of the product corresponds to the film’s production team

…And just like the production of movies, software development can sometimes feel like a never ending battle of good vs. evil, with bugs and glitches coming out of the woodwork at every turn! But don’t worry, with the right tools and a bit of luck, you can always come out as the hero of the story!

