5 Rules of Wealth

The Samvat Plan
Published in
1 min readOct 21, 2019
5 Rules of Wealth

Do you know there are some rules to create wealth? Here are the 5 Rules of Wealth that one must keep in mind to succeed in finance.

Rule 1: Save at least 10% of what you earn.

Rule 2: Invest your money so it will multiply.

Rule 3: Always learn. Knowledge is the power to increase your income.

Rule 4: Don’t fall for get-rich-quick-scheme scams. Only invest in what you know.

Rule 5: Maintain your wealth by diversifying your portfolio.

If you’re young and looking for new ways of Investing your money, then explore our very own proprietary plan known as The Samvat Plan and start your investing journey now.

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The Samvat Plan

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