I did not “fall in love” with God

Jon Remitera
The Sanctuary Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2018

Why would I, a pastor, say this seemingly blasphemous statement? Before you pick up the stones, let me explain!

I have a problem…with the phrase “falling in love.” Why? It’s used in the lyrics of some of the greatest, most memorable love songs. It’s used in poetry. It’s something that’s used in our everyday speech! In my opinion, “falling” seems accidental. Love on the other hand, is intentional. While someone can be instantly smitten in their first encounter with someone, love takes time to develop. I don’t remember a moment when I “fell in love” with God. There was a phase of attraction, but it took time for love to develop.

Part of the problem I see with contemporary Christianity (Adventism included) is that too many are attracted to God, but don’t love Him — more on that in another post!

My story with God began at a young age. My father read me bible stories every night. We would read the bible almost every single day. I owe a great deal to my father for my introduction to God.

I didn’t have that “moment” that some people share in their conversion experience where everything “clicked.” For me, it took time.

But it started with a choice.

While I was certainly given an excellent foundation for faith, I had to choose to pursue it. The pursuit of something or someone requires intentional effort and a series of choices that would move you in the direction of that pursuit.

It’s like selecting a major/degree to pursue. You have to choose the school, the classes…etc. Your pursuit will dictate the course of choices you make. My pursuit was…well God.

I’ve always been the type to think and reflect before making any kind of decision or choice. Some might say that I overthink and overanalyze. In my case with God, I came to faith and relationship with Him because of what I was taught and how I was loved.

I had excellent teachers and pastors in my formative years that helped me understand the character of God, but it was the love and prayers of my parents, the challenging and insightful conversations with my sister and the brotherhood of my childhood best friends that helped me see and experience God’s love.

The Apostle Paul, under inspiration, penned this description of love:

“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4–8

Through the patience and kindness of others, I saw and experienced God.

Through the humility of friends and family willing to forgive me despite the hurt I had done to them…I saw and experienced God.

Good biblical teaching combined with the outward expression of His character through others was what attracted me to God and led me to choose to know Him more. As I walked with Him and experienced His love for me, I couldn’t help but love Him in return.

I did not “fall in love” with God. My love for God was not accidental, but intentional. It didn’t happen in a moment or in a twinkling of the eye, it took time. Love requires choice, and I chose then and still choose now to love Him.



Jon Remitera
The Sanctuary Blog

Pastor of Epic Church SDA Church Chicago | Brother | Friend | Foodie