Go to The Sandwich
The Sandwich
Short stories of less than 500 words. Offering insight to ordinary moments with life-altering impact. The sandwich shares the experiences that changed people’s perspectives or lives in a great way.
Note from the editor

Short stories of less than 500 words. Offering insight to ordinary moments with life-altering impact. The sandwich shares the experiences that changed people’s perspectives or lives in a great way.

Go to the profile of Kurt Henry
Kurt Henry
Keeping it real on the positive side of life. I write to add genuine value with zero sugar coating for fellow thinkers.
Go to the profile of Frederick Posimo
Frederick Posimo
Investor | Writer | Artist
Go to the profile of Holly Rihan
Holly Rihan
Blogger. Film Critic. Novelist. Wordsmith.
Go to the profile of Jason Mark Beaton
Jason Mark Beaton
Ruby developer, designer, Lifelong Learner, Dog Lover. Co-Founder of Hark http://www.youhark.com