Everything in Moderation

Frederick Posimo
The Sandwich
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2016

Did you ever have that teacher in school who was just, whats the word? Awesome!! I mean super cool, that teacher who’s class you looked forward to each day? Of all my teachers only one ever stood out like this for me.

It was junior year of high school, I took my first ever business course. This was the single best course I have ever taken in my life largely in part due to the instructor. I feel in many ways he is partly responsible for my appreciation in not just business, but also personal development, self improvement, etc.

As a teacher he made class fun, energetic, engaging, and dynamic. In addition we learned a ton and worked hard. If I could go back and repeat his course I would in a heartbeat. However of all the great days in his classroom one lesson on the first day still resonates in my nervous system as if it were a new lesson.

The first day of class we all packed in like sardines, found a seat, and began listening to the introductory lectures from each instructor. In his class things ran similar, syllabus, books, policies, etc. Though towards the end of his lecture he shared his life motto. 3 simple words:

“Everything in Moderation”

This simple idea, has stood the test of time. Throughout my post high school educational studies I always found myself resorting back to this simple phrase. As we begin to observe we’ll see so many problems arise from over doing or under doing, from too much or not enough, from abundance or drought.

It has come to seem that in order to functionally operate in any facet of this life we must always keep Everything In Moderation.

Thank you all for reading — I hope you enjoyed the post!

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-Fred Posimo

