The best decision I ever made

Frederick Posimo
The Sandwich
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2016

I remember the moment distinctly..

I was sitting on a bench waiting for the train. To pass time I was reading a book written by a fellow martial arts instructor. The Forward was written by the authors instructor about him.

One line in particular stood out to me. It read: “ One day (Author) walked into the academy and told me he had removed the TV from his room, and that all he had was a bed and a stack of books.”

When I first read this line immediately I thought “Wow this guy is really disciplined, I wish I had that level of drive.” Then I began to realize something.

I had done the exact same thing

At this time I had recently purchased a bookshelf from target for $20 and placed all my own books on it.

2 years previous I would have laughed in your face if you said I would trade in my TV for books. In hindsight this was probably the best decision I have made in my life thus far.

The books I’ve read are in large part responsible for my philosophy, my beliefs, my way of life, and even this post.

If you can, I highly recommend reading. Not just any book, something with substance, and most importantly purpose. It may just change your life forever.

Thank you all for reading — I hope you enjoyed the post!

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-Fred Posimo

