The day I took the world into my own hands

Frederick Posimo
The Sandwich
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2016

I think I was 7, maybe 8 years old. I was struggling in school, I mean really struggling. Not only was I receiving poor marks, but in addition, I found myself socially inept and consistently failing to “fit in.”

Outcast, oddball, freak. You name it, these were all viable options being scanned by the Rolodex in my head. I was trying to decipher what I was. The only thing I was certain of was I was not “normal”

Seven-year-old me could not bear this reality, so naturally, I sought answers.
Soon after I received the diagnosis for my abnormality. ADD, you guessed it. This devastating shot to my psyche was not without hope. A CURE! Or so I thought.

There I was in the 4th grade diagnosed with ADD, forced to take this little blue pill in order to make me “Normal.”
This continued up until high school. There were some on and offs but junior year I discovered a new answer.

As I grew older taking this little blue pill made me feel less and less like me. I felt like an augmented version of myself. As my wisdom grew I maintained a constant battle in my head.

Who do I want to be? My augmented self? Or my authentic self?
Junior year I said screw this. I wanted to be me. I didn’t care about the consequences, the ostracism, the loss of potential friends and relationships didn’t matter anymore because I knew I had a place in this world.

From that day forward I have never once taken another little blue pill.
The decision to embrace my authentic self has led to a world of opportunity and instilled in me a sense of empowering optimism for the future.

-Fred Posimo

