Oh no. My Surface Pro 4 wont get Windows 11

Jay (Vijayasimha BR)
The Sanguine Tech Trainer
3 min readNov 24, 2021
It’s the saddest I have been in years. No Windows 11 for me.

This morning was another routine day for me. Got up after a nice long night of sleep. Gave the cat (the one that bit me and is now forcing me to get 5 injections as part of the rabies thing) milk. Took care of a client work, tutoring sessions.

Then, turned on my Surface Pro, which had an update notification waiting for me. Unless it is a critical update, I usually let Windows sit on those updates. There are many a occasions (less frequent lately, but it still happens) where an update has crashed a computer, especially old ones, like my ageing Surface Pro.

Just like Apple Products (which run just fine even after 3 years), the Surface Pro is also surprisingly resilient. It continues to chug on after 3 years of life.

So, yes, the update notified that it has already run the Health Check thing, and it appears that my old Surface Pro is not ready for Windows 11.

You know, I dont mind at all.

I remember not updating to Windows 10 for at least a year after it was available. Same thing with Windows 7. I stayed on Windows 7 for over 2 years before upgrading to Windows 8. Now, I wont be surprised, even if Microsoft allows the Pro 4 to become compatible, I will be upgrading right away.

Despite Microsoft’s best effort, every new OS seems to bring with it, a few new features, but a butt load of problems. Also, higher system requirements. A lot of software simply stop working. Every time I do a windows upgrade, I hold my fingers crossed because, anything, anything might go wrong.

It’s almost like watching a good M Night Shyamalan movie.

As of now, I use a total of 5 computers for work — 2 Apple and 3 Windows. Mac OS updates never given any issues. I do those updates immediatly. Apple has never made a mistake that affected my Macs ever. However, Windows, ah! I am going to hold out on this one. I would be okay if Surface Pro 4 ends its life without ever getting the fresh coat of paint i.e. Windows 11.

I am sure it will die any day now.

I already have my eye on an HP Pavillion 360 with foldable keyboard and nice touch screen. I dont want to buy Surface again. In India, Microsoft only offers 1 year of warranty. Pre-pandemic, I had so much money to burn, I did not mind the single year of warranty. Now, I have to be careful with my purchases. I need a product that has some kind of warranty that goes for 3 years.

Perhaps, next time, when my financial troubles (god willing, touch wood) are behind me, I might look into a Surface Pro. I love the current Pro model. It has been an absolute delight to use and has helped me make thousands of dollars.

So, yes, it looks I wont be getting Windows 11 for Christmas. So. Sad.

I work as a full time freelance coding tutor. Hire me at UpWork or Fiverr or Stack Overflow. My personal website is here. Find more of my art at Behance and Unsplash.

