Jay (Vijayasimha BR)
The Sanguine Tech Trainer
4 min readFeb 2, 2020


Star Wars — Empire Strikes Back — Review — Even More Awesome

Poster makes it clear that Leia is not Luke’s girlfriend but Solo’s. image from here

Jumping write into it, just like the previous movie, Empire Strikes Back, is truly the best. I have seen many trilogies in my life and middle chapters will either be amazing. Or, they will be bad (I am looking at the middle movie of the Hobbit trilogy which kept stretching things for lack of content). This one, definitely in that ‘amazing’ category.

Spoilers ahead.


Last we saw the gang — Leia, Han and Luke, they had won a major victory against the Empire. They blew up the Death Star, which was by far the most powerful weapon in the Empire’s arsenal. Planet Killer! It is obvious that they spent a lot of time on it. Roughly 20 years, I would assume since they began construction. Seeing all that go in flames, was not going to be easy.

So, now, the Empire is angry. They are hunting down the rebels like there is no tomorrow. They were already ruthless. Now, they had gone beyond ruthless. Scarier. Far more scarier. This time the focus is definitely on the two Skywalkers — Darth Vader and his son, Luke. Darth has begun to sense his son, due to the force.

Luke and Yoda

Luke, meanwhile, has an early accident (I understand that this was done due to a real life injury to Mark Hamill) and has to bail to some stranger planet. Here, he meets Yoda who speaks in reverse order. I always found that hilarious and silly. A lot of the movie is super silly. I am reminded again and again that this movie is primarily aimed at kids.

Yoda wants Luke to become a Jedi as the young man is getting powerful everyday. He will bring balance and what not. Of course, Luke abandons the training mid way to rescue his friends. Yoda is not cool with this.

The Charming Mr. Calrissian.

Lando is definitely a super smooth operator. Even when he is backstabbing people, he is suave and super cool. I am finally seeing why people like his character so much. After watching the first movie, I never thought, any other actor can come in and be more charming than Ford as Solo. Now, Lando as portrayed by Billy Dee Williams really is the scene stealer.

Yes, I liked his character a lot, and his turn to the good side as the movie progresses is a good thing. It makes it easier to side with him. The more I think about his actions, the more I feel like he had no choice. He seems to be responsible for an entire colony of people. At best, he is trying to be neutral in this Empire Vs Rebels ongoing war.

I don’t think he has choice. It is clear that whatever deals were made, they were one sided with no negotiation. It keeps getting worse as well.

Vader is the best

All said and done, Vader is still the best part about this movie as well. He is even more menacing and we also catch a glimpse of what he is hiding under his helmet — burnt skin. It’s only there for a second but it gave me the chills. The dialogues are sharper and his pursuit to get his son over to his side…that is very good.

All in all, I liked this movie. It moves fast. Really fast. There are only two plot threads to follow. One, the rebellions attempt to survive (there is no ultimate goal like blowing something up in this one) from the Empire’s relentless chase. Second, Luke’s training to become a Jedi master. Both of them converge organically to a shocking (I mean, yes, I know Luke is Vader’s son, but I assume, back in 1980, it was unexpected) conclusion.

The movie does not end with a bang or a happy ending. It just ends gently, with Vader overlooking the construction of a new Death Star, which is half complete already. We also get to meet Palpatine in a hologram. That was another chilling scene for its hard to believe that Vader also is a foot soldier, working for someone else.

I know that Palpatine becomes a more menacing presence as the movies go. I will write about that in the next movie review.

Final Note

This is the second movie I have watched of the original trilogy. I have to say, these movies are good. As a side effect, they are making all the other, newer movies that came later bad.

But who cares? This movie is awesome.

Note : I am watching all the star wars movies as part of a movie marathon. Find the other reviews here, in the order the movies were released — A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Force Awakens, Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker.

