5 Scenarios Experienced by Every Woman!

The Sanskari Dude
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2017

Dear men and women,

No one is perfect and if you’re going to judge me based on my imperfections, sorry you are messing up with a wrong person. I am neither care-free nor free spirited, but at least I don’t judge others based on their preferences or the way of life they lead. Yes, I am incomplete without my imperfections. This post is a confession that am very much willing to make in front of you all. Am not here to project the rebel in me, but to share the perks of being MYSELF. I think it’s time to raise your middle finger to all the creeps and judgemental jerks.

#1 Er… You’re hairy!

Gif Courtesy: Google

When I wear a knee length skirt or a sleeveless top without shaving, there are a few (men and women) who pass obscene comments by pointing right at my unshaved legs and hands, as if I come directly from an ape world. Hello Excuse me? Yeah dude, I am hairy. Does that bother you? I am an evolved human being just like you. Is there any rule slated somewhere that a woman shouldn’t be hairy at all? In fact, I choose to stay away from waxing because, it pains so freaking badly. That’s is my wish. You really have an option to take a selfie with me by moving an inch or two away. Getting it?

#2 Are you a virgin?

Yes, I am very much open minded. But, does that have anything to do with me being a virgin? I know you try to strike a conversation that will end up in sexting, but come on. I am neither interested in opening up to you nor ready to have a sex chat. I was bored to an extent that I kept scrolling my fb and What’s App chat list and thought it has been a while that we texted each other. The temporary ‘Lovey-dovey’ words are meant to show some fake love for time being so that you too don’t get bored of me. This is the underlying logic behind many texts. If you really wanna have some productive chat session, I highly recommend Natasha. All you have to do is just download hike. Bye!

Image Courtesy: Google

#3 Let me know when you break-up

O’Lord! Please save me from such creeps, will you? The moment I see some guys texting me that they will wait for me till the eternity, I feel sorry for them. Even if I get to break up with my boyfriend, I will never ever consider you for the statement you have made dude. Having stayed in a relationship for almost 5 years, I know how difficult it is to start right from the beginning. Sharing all the incidents of my exes, then my childhood, making lame jokes and again fighting to understand each other. Uff… Isn’t that a tiring process? So, I am too lazy to look out for another guy… You are still going to wait for me? Cool, then all the best. Hoping to see you soon in Facebook, where you will be giving out a sad reaction for my “Married” post in Facebook.

#4 She is a ‘Bitch’

So, are you a Dog? And if you’re one, welcome to the club. I talk to all “GUY FRIENDS”, have a lot of guys in my friend list and feel comfortable working with guys more. I know, you would’ve judged me by now. Listen, I have so much to do in my life. I know that I didn’t give time to you or might not have considered you. Do accept that you’re jealous, but dare not call me a bitch. It’s for your good boss, else I will remain a pain in the ass friend to you forever.

#5 Look at her dress????

At times, I am so comfortable wearing a pajama and a loose t-shirt. Sometimes I prefer a pencil skirt or leg hugging leggings or a knee length skirt. Anything I wear absolutely pertains to my comfort level. If I get a glance in return, am pretty happy that I have made a right choice. But, that doesn’t mean you can rub your private part against me. No, I am not wearing for you to get aroused. It is the case for those who travel by bus or metro. A guy looks for a chance to catch a glimpse of my cleavage, even when I wear salwar kameez.

Gif Courtesy: Google

When I greet my neighbors with smile, I get a fake smile with sarcasm in return. It means I should get prepared for a ton loads of gossips which will shot right back at me anytime. It all starts with, “Look at her Dress.” Don’t worry aunties, let us all go for a protest to ban all soap operas then.

I am not here to demean or defame anyone. I wanted to bring the ground reality in light using a bit of humour. Never forget that you are not far away from being judged! Bravo to all the spirited women who gave zero fucks to all the judgement and comments passed on you. It is Jai Womaniya!



The Sanskari Dude

Creative Director| Writer | Poet | Social Media Enthusiast | Blogger| Marketing Maniac