The EX-Tension

The Sanskari Dude
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2017

A Series on my Ex(Perience)

Part 1 — I’m Impressed

Source: Google

Hello fellow writers and readers. It’s been a while that I haven’t had much time or probably I have been lazing about to not write a few blogs. I really appreciate those who don’t succumb to issues like TIME, ‘cos time is all about the preferences we make. But, why am I talking about this to you?

Before you could mock at me, I take liberty of doing it myself… Uff, a great relief. Coming back to EX-Tension and EX(Perience), I guess you might have found out what my series is actually going to talk about.

First love is always special for many of us. But, there are a few (specially like me), who have had a few irritating moments. I used to dread the topic EX or first love.

EX — My EX — — — — — -> Tension — stretching my patience level (series will be cooked with sugar, spice and everything nice)

Source: Google

And now, it is quite different, cos I find those days quite funny than it being irritating. This series will actually tickle your cheeks to smile at your funny EX days or might as well tickle your hand to hit me or write about my stupidity. But, choose any mean that will hurt me less.

OMG! My dream man moment…

So, it was during my teens, when my hormones were gushing to find their solace (most of the time ending up in a wrong haven though), I found a guy in MYSPACE, a not so popular social media network, where Metallica fans and gamers were spotted. Well, I was neither a gamer nor a fan of Metallica.

Yet, I ended up there. That was my first time experience in signing up for a social networking site. Used to check updates, got random chat requests, etc. One fine day, I found this guy Bittu (nickname), who texted me. I was like 15 years old at that point of time.

Source: Google

Why him? While many started commenting about my profile picture (a not so popular actress from South India), he was so genuine and decent.

<<Mind voice: Wow, whhatta man!! with violin in the background and cupids flying above>>

Wait, I know you would just think How stupid I was! But, as I said, I loved to be an attention seeker and I was too much drawn towards his approach. Now, it doesn’t work that way :P

Anyway, it all started like this.

Bittu: Hey, hw r u? ssup thr? (Hey, How are you?)

Me: Hello. Pardon me? (I was so freaking new to those short SMS short terms)

Bittu: Haha. I meant, How are you? What’s up there?

Me: Oh Okay. I am doing good. How about you? Up? (such a dumbo and had a lot of time to type the entire sentence, now am quite opposite)

Bittu: No worries. Cool thing. How long have you been active in MYSPACE?

Me: For the past 10 days.

Bittu: Cool. It’s weird and quite nice to see a girl showing interest towards games and heavy metal band style. I am impressed.

<<Mind voice: What the hell is he talking about? But, hey he is impressed, just maintain Varu..>>

Source: Google

Me: Oh yeah! I am always different from others, you see. (making up and sorry girls, I wasn’t quite mature enough to offend a guy for the statement he made)

Bittu: So, tell me what are you doing?

Me: Just taking my time out from studying. What about you? (Just wanna talk more. How about dragging some topic on Heavy metal band and some games or should I ask something else?)

Bittu: Nothing much, just sketching. Hey, by the way I like….

<<Mind voice: Excuse me??? Really? >>>

To be continued…



The Sanskari Dude

Creative Director| Writer | Poet | Social Media Enthusiast | Blogger| Marketing Maniac