Editorial Guidelines

The Sargeque Staff
The Sargeque Quarterly
2 min readOct 1, 2019

The Sargeque Quarterly is a publication of alcohol, gambling, hacks, and miscellanea for Generation Xers. Our team delivers a mix of short- and long-form news, entertainment, opinion, and other content. Short pieces published on a variety of topics in an authentic, distinct voice are slanted towards conversational topics. Longer stories intended as deep dives, answer more significant questions or expand the reader’s knowledge base. No matter our platform, expect The Quarterly to deliver cultural reference and irrelevance in connection to points you can’t find anywhere else.

Our Editorial Coverage

  • We lean towards radical centrism. As such, we often borrow ideas from both the “right” and “left,” meld them together and make them our own. Deal with it.
  • We’re not angry; we’re just disappointed.
  • Our opinions are not fact.
  • We are in the business of informing and eliciting laughter from our reader base. We will use our “Jump to Conclusions” mat at our discretion, for both informative purposes, and comedic effect.
  • We’re always right. (Unless the wife says we’re not.)

To Contact Us

For submissions, suggestions, questions, or general outreach, email us at thequarterly@sargeque.com and our team will respond in kind.

About Sponsored Content

Content created by The Quarterly at the request of a brand will post as “Sponsored Content.”

Press Trip Policy

Like other (reputable) outlets operating today, The Quarterly accepts invitations to events, hostings, and press trips in which some or all expenses get paid by brands, networks, studios, etc. We do this not to facilitate unique storytelling opportunities for the benefit of our audience, but rather for the free stuff. The journalism — by its loosest definition — is strictly secondary.

Offensive Material

Expect it. Everyone’s offended by something these days.

Privacy Policy

For a full copy of our privacy policy, please contact our legal counsel.



The Sargeque Staff
The Sargeque Quarterly

Collaborative account for the staff writers at The Sargeque Quarterly.