11 Things You Should Know When Dating an Independent Woman

Dating can be an exhilarating experience, especially when it comes to dating an independent woman. Independent women are confident, strong-willed, and self-sufficient, making them an attractive option for many men. However, if you don’t understand what she needs and expects, navigating the relationship can be tricky.

Marlene Kerubo
The Savanna Post
7 min readMar 17, 2023


A happy couple in a restaurant celebrating.

Dating an independent woman might sound like a challenge, but independence is actually a great asset to any relationship. While she is likely to want to spend some of her free time without you, independent women have many great qualities. They are strong-willed, direct, and successful. They are also super fun to be around.

If you aren’t used to dating an independent woman it can be a little bit of a shock. While she no doubt has feelings for you and loves your company, she also doesn’t need a man in her life. She wants someone who will complement her way of life, not complicate it. As cliched as it sounds, an independent woman is strong and confident in herself and this can be quite daunting for some men who aren’t used to this.

But you shouldn’t throw away what could be something special because your partner is fiercely independent. You should acknowledge this trait and help foster it by supporting her and letting her live her own life. It will strengthen your bond and make both of you appreciate each other more when you are together. If you are struggling to come to terms with how to make it work, here is a list of tips and things to know when dating an independent woman that can help your relationship flourish.

1. You can’t clip her wings

Independent women are independent for a reason. They want to be free! And they aren’t going to simply let go of their independence just because they’ve found love, or because they now have someone to lean on.

Some people have this fantasy of “relieving” their partners’ burdens, of taking on all the work so that their partner can rest at home.

But this is the last thing she wants, so don’t do it. Don’t try to clip her wings and make her more “dependent” on you — she will get turned off and even resent you for it.

And if you start to control where she goes, who she talks with, and what she wears? Expect her to run and never look back.

2. Compromise

One of the biggest things you will have to get used to is compromising with your partner. While every relationship involves some form of compromise, you might find you have to meet each other halfway more than you are used to. Your partner is probably going to want a lot more freedom than you are used to and this will mean you have to be ready to compromise on a variety of issues.

She might spend her Sundays doing her own thing and just because you are in her life doesn’t mean she is going to stop that. Allow her the freedom to continue to live her life independently from you. But remember that it works both ways and be sure she is making compromises for you also. If you can find a middle ground then you are already on your way to a successful relationship.

3. Expect (brutal) honesty

Independent women don’t like taking bullshit and don’t have the patience for double-speak or mind games.

You can also definitely rely on her when you need an honest opinion on things. She’s not the type who lies to you just so you’d feel good. And just as she is herself honest and transparent, she will expect you to be the same way.

She’s doing you a great favor by not playing games with you, so you better return the favor and not toy around with her heart. And should you try, she will know in an instant. So simply don’t try it — it won’t work out well for you.

4. She wants to be heard

It’s always important to listen to what your partner has to say. But when your partner is an independent woman? It’s extremely important that you make sure she feels heard.

She gives importance to her thoughts and ideas and if she finds that a man doesn’t care about those things, she will start to lose interest.

Aside from that, she’s well aware of how important communication is in relationships. And she won’t have any patience for a guy who doesn’t make her feel heard.

Independent women aren’t easily swayed by their emotions. She might genuinely love you, but if you aren’t paying attention to the things she’s saying, then why should she bother? She can always fall in love with someone who will.

5. Embrace your freedom

Your partner is going to want to enjoy her own life away from you. She will want to do her own thing without having to worry about you being upset or bothered. As this means you will have a fair bit of time on your hands, you should embrace this freedom and enjoy it.

This allows you to pursue things your partner might not be keen on and gives you time to yourself to do as you please. Spend more time with your family and friends and keep those relationships strong. If you give her the space she needs she will not only be a happier person, but it could lead her to start missing you more. While she will always be independent, she might want to do more things together and less by herself.

6. She expects you to carry your own weight

You might find yourself wondering that, well… if she’s so independent, then surely she can do everything herself? Maybe you can just relax a little and leave things up to her, right?


The fact that she’s an independent woman doesn’t mean that you can just rely on her for everything. You should try to share the responsibilities with her. Split the bill, pitch in when she’s trying to set up your date.

After all, she’s perfectly capable of standing on her own, and if she is to keep you around, then you better be worth it. Simply put, don’t be a burden towards her if you don’t want her just leaving you behind.

7. Don’t be intimidated by her success

Independent women are often successful in their careers and personal lives, and they don’t want partners who feel threatened by their success. Be proud of her accomplishments and support her in achieving even more.

8. Don’t try to change her

Independent women are confident and secure in who they are, and they don’t want to be changed or molded into someone else’s ideal partner. Accept her for who she is and celebrate her unique qualities.

9. Don’t assume she doesn’t need help

While independent women are often self-sufficient and capable, they still appreciate partners who are willing to help out when needed. Don’t assume that she doesn’t need your help or support, and be willing to lend a hand when needed.

10. Don’t play games

Regardless of whether you are dating someone who is independent or not, you shouldn’t be playing games. It is not fair to the person if you are leading them on. If you try this with a woman who enjoys her freedom it probably won’t end well for you. An independent woman has little time for someone who isn’t committed. They want someone who can compliment their life, and if you don’t fit the bill they will drop you quicker than a punch from Tyson Fury.

She will be able to see through your lies and quickly tell if you are serious about spending time with her or not. She isn’t going to waste what free time she does have hanging out with someone who isn’t giving it their all. So if you aren’t that keen, don’t even try and pursue an independent woman. She will eat you alive and spit you out in no time.

11. Don’t suffocate her

The last thing she wants is a stage 5 clinger. Don’t be that guy who is endlessly texting her and always trying to hang out with her. She won’t respond well to this sort of treatment. Just because she doesn’t get back to your first text within 15 minutes doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you. She is probably busy. She will hit you up when she has some free time. You have to allow her the freedom to live her own life without her having to worry about you always being in the background being needy.

Bombarding her with texts and calls will only drive her away. Give her space and she will give you the respect you deserve and make plans to hang with you when she can. If things go well she will eventually include you in her life more and more while still maintaining enough independence to suit her way of life.

The Take-Away

An independent woman knows her worth and isn’t shy about it. That’s why men often find them intimidating, and why so many of the usual dating tricks simply won’t work on them.

You need to be on her level of maturity and confidence if your relationship with her is to thrive. And if you find out that you aren’t there yet, then try to get on her level. But should you manage to — and you can, with enough time and effort — you will find yourself in an especially rewarding relationship.

It’s going to be a bit challenging… but hey! The best things in life don’t come easy.



Marlene Kerubo
The Savanna Post

I am a bold lady and fiercely independent. I love exploring the world, but my heart is always in home.