5 Fail-Proof Flirting Tips For Instant Results

Being a good flirt is a truly great gift and experience that you can give a woman. Most of your male competition is terrible at it. But after reading this article, you’ll be a master flirt. I’m going to show exactly how to flirt like a pro.

Kirby Kaur
The Savanna Post
11 min readMay 12, 2023


A young man flirting with a woman.

Just about every guy believes he knows how to flirt. But guess what, ,most men have ZERO KNOWLEDGE of how to flirt correctly. And that’s a BIG ISSUE! If you don’t know how to flirt or if you wait too long to flirt, it’s GAME OVER.

In this article, I’m going to share with you five of my very best techniques to flirt like a pro. But before we dive into them, let’s define what we mean by flirting.

Flirting is Hinting

Flirting is your ability to make a woman desired, but ONLY FOR A MOMENT. The emphasis is on for a moment. Flirting is a hint of what “might” happen, not a guarantee of what “will” happen. It’s sexual escalation in SMALL DOSES. If you don’t do it in small doses, it becomes overwhelming to the woman.

Flirting is about using a touch-and-go approach. But you keep increasing it incrementally over your interactions and dates with her. You keep increasing it SLOWLY until both of you are in a full sexual state of arousal — and comfortable with it.

What Flirting Does To A Woman

Flirting makes women feel great. It’s electric and tantalizing. They LOVE it. It also makes them more attracted to you. It makes women feel sexually desired, but just for a moment. If you do it for too long at once she’ll feel uncomfortable.

So, in other words, a great flirt is when you make her feel tantalized and take it back before she feels uncomfortable. You are giving her only the good feelings without the bad ones. A good flirt is a master of timing. But there’s more. Flirting makes women “wonder”:

  • Is he really into me, or is he just like this with everyone?”
  • “Does he say this to all women?”
  • “Will he make a move?”
  • “What kind of women does he like?”
  • “Does he see me differently from all the other women he flirts with?”

Here’s the thing. Women don’t wonder about men they’re not interested in. If you can make a woman wonder about you, she’s into you! So not only are you giving her tantalizing feelings without any discomfort, but you also make her wonder about you. This combination is that romance-novel stuff that women LONG for.

Being a good flirt is a truly great gift and experience that you can give a woman. Most of your male competition is terrible at it. But after reading this article, you’ll be a master flirt. I’m going to show exactly how to flirt like a pro. So buckle up! We’re getting started.

How To Flirt For Magical Results

So how do you flirt? Let’s first look at how not to flirt. Flirting is not about mirroring body language or using romantic compliments. Flirting is about creating electrifying sexual chemistry. It can be done verbally and non-verbally.

In my opinion, non-verbal flirting is the most powerful of all ways to flirt. And that’s why I’m going to focus on nonverbal flirting in this article. Not only is non-verbal flirting great because it works much better than verbal flirting, but it’s also rejection-proof. You’ll learn how to flirt in small incremental steps, so even if she rejects you, she will be unaware of it.

In fact, it’s not even a rejection. It’s her just not being comfortable yet. You notice it in her body language, but she’s not even aware of it. That allows you to wait a bit until she’s more comfortable and escalate the flirting again later. That’s how powerful non-verbal flirting is.

You can use this method right from the beginning of your interaction with a woman, and you keep increasing the flirting temperature over the course of your dates with her. It ends in both of you being totally aroused by each other and totally comfortable with it.

In fact, flirting is nothing more than your ability to arouse women using an incremental approach. So in essence, flirting is arousal in small doses. Therefore, if you want to learn how to flirt, you first need to understand how to arouse a woman. So let’s have a look at that first.

How To Arouse Women

When you’re on a date with a woman, both of you will be talking and building rapport. The deeper you go into the date, the more rapport you’ll build with her. But if you only build rapport, you’ll quickly end up in friend-zone purgatory. So you also need to know how to give her feelings of arousal and sexual attraction.

One of the ways to make a woman aroused is by injecting a more seductive vibe into the conversation. There are five things you want to pay attention to when you want to become more seductive.

1. Flirting With Your Eyes

When you’re talking in normal rapport mode, you keep eye contact and break it from time to time. Just look at how people talk normally, or think of how you talk to friends. Now, this is just a normal conversation. There’s nothing seductive or arousing happening with the eyes.

If you want to make the vibe more seductive and arouse her, imagine there is an upside-down triangle on her face. Imagine a line connecting her right eye to her left eye, one connecting her right eye to her mouth, and one connecting her left eye to her mouth. That would look like an upside-down triangle.

The only thing you need to do to inject sexual tension is to look for a second in her right eye, then trace the line to her left eye, and then look down at her mouth and back up to the eye you started with.

Here’s the thing: If you use the triangular gaze on a woman, she’ll start to think about kissing you. It injects sexual tension in the conversation. That’s because a triangular gaze is something that happens naturally when people are about to kiss. And if you do it quickly, it will all happen unconsciously. She’ll SLIP into that seductive, aroused mood. But here’s the thing. When flirting with a woman, you don’t even need to do the triangular gaze.

When she’s talking, it’s enough if, from time to time, you just glance down at her lips and back into her eyes. That’s enough for flirting at the beginning stages. In fact, you quickly go in and out of it. You dunk in and out. Like how you dunk a donut in coffee. It’s TOUCH AND GO.

Gradually over your interaction you can transition to longer and full-blown triangular gazes. But you need to build it up. If you were to do a full and SLOW triangular gaze when you just met her, that would be too much. Remember, you want to give her tantalizing feelings for just long enough without bringing up any uncomfortable feelings.

2. Flirting With Your Voice

You can also make the conversation more seductive by playing with your voice. You can change the rhythm…speak slower…leave pauses…stretch out your words…it should sound…like…you are…sharing…a secret…

Did you see how I just made this reading experience more seductive? Just by leaving more pauses!You can do the exact same thing when you’re speaking. And when you talk in that manner, it doesn’t matter what you talk about. You could be talking about the fact that you went to the grocery store and make it seductive. That’s the beauty of this technique. You don’t need to worry about what you’re saying. You just focus on how you’re saying it.

So whenever you want to create sexual chemistry and be more seductive, you just speak in that way. Here’s how you can learn this technique.

Step 1: Use numbers — One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… ten… When you say the numbers, you leave a pause between them and make sure you make your voice seductive. Here’s a little trick. Imagine you’re telling her a secret when you’re doing this. That will automatically get your voice in the right tonality.

Step 2: Change the numbers into words — That means you say words in the same rhythm as you said the numbers. By first using numbers, you’ll get a better feeling for the timing of your words. And again, you’ll talk like you’re telling her a secret. For example:

“You know… today… I was… in the grocery store… and I saw… a really… nice looking… apple pie…”

Now of course, don’t just launch into talking about apple pies in this way. That would be weird and over the top. The way you do it is, you just talk to her naturally about any topic. By the way, that could perfectly be the topic of the grocery store. And then you gradually inject some seductive voice into the conversation.

I’ll show you how to do that in the next step, where you’ll learn how to combine your voice and eye contact into a powerful flirting technique.

3. Combining Voice & Eyes For Maximum Flirt Impact

As I said in the previous step, you can’t just start talking in a seductive voice for five seconds straight. That would be too long and too overwhelming. Instead, you want to gradually build it up. Here’s how you do it.

On your date, there are going to be moments when you’re talking and moments when she’s talking. When she’s talking, from time to time just look at her lips and back to her eyes. We discussed this earlier.

Then when you’re talking, at some point in the conversation you are going to combine a pause with a quick triangular gaze. And I mean REALLY QUICK. So quick that If she blinks, she might not even notice it. For example:

“You know, today I was in the grocery store… and I saw a really nice looking apple pie.”

As you can see, right after the word “store”, I took a pause for just a second. And in that moment I quickly look from her right eye, to her left eye, to her mouth and back in to her eyes and then continue talking normally. It’s a quick touch and go. As trivial as this seems, unconsciously, she will have noticed. Believe me.

In that second, she will have seen a look of desire on your face. Like you “suddenly” saw something that you liked. But she won’t be sure of it, because it was so quick. As you continue your conversation, you’ll inject a few of those moments. And you’ll gradually build them up longer and longer. Example of a slight increase.

“You know today I was… in the grocery store and I saw a really nice looking… apple pie.”

Example of another slight increase:

“You know today I was… in the grocery store… and I saw a really nice looking… apple pie.”

I think you get the point. You would naturally inject more and more pauses with quick triangular looks. Let her level of comfort guide you in how quickly you can amplify the seductive vibe. If she doesn’t seem comfortable, just wait a bit longer and try again later.

In other words, if she’s uncomfortable you take longer between the flirting moments. And as she becomes more comfortable, you leave less time between flirting moments. When you can talk for three or four seconds in this seductive style, and she’s comfortable with it, you can go in for the kiss.

4. Flirting In Her Personal Space

A great way to flirt is to use excuses to whisper something in her ear. That will give you a chance to get into her personal space. Now, don’t make the mistake of staying there too long. Remember, it’s about giving her tantalizing feelings and withdrawing before it gets uncomfortable. Timing is key.

A great way to do this is by making fun of other people around you. Maybe there are other people on a date too, and the guy is being clumsy. You could point that out by whispering something funny in her ear.

5. Flirting By Touching Her

Yet another way to flirt is by just touching her. There are three kinds of touches. Social touch, seductive touch, and sexual touch.

Social touch is when you touch her in areas that are socially acceptable, like giving her a kiss on the cheek or touching her lower arm when making a point. Social touch is where you start flirting with her.

The purpose is to get her comfortable with you touching her. Once she’s comfortable with your social touch, you can then transition to more seductive touches.

Seductive touch is when you touch her in areas that are more seductive in nature. For example, putting your hands on her waist, holding her hand, touching her hair, etc. Seductive touch is your GUARANTEE to never being friend-zoned again. Here’s a great seductive touch to use. Touch her while you’re talking to somebody else.

Let’s say, for example, you are on a date and there are people sitting next to you. Maybe you say something to those people. And when you do, you could put your hand on her knee.

When talking to the person next to you, you would naturally turn your back to your date. But the fact that you put your hand on her knee while doing that is a very powerful flirt move.

It creates the impression that both of you have a little secret going on. And at the same time, it shows her that while you are talking to that person next to you for a minute, you didn’t forget about her.

Once she’s comfortable with your seductive touches, you can then proceed to more sexual touches.

Sexual touch is when you touch her in erogenous zones. For example, touching her breasts. This usually done later in the dating process, when both of you are in private.


Knowing how to flirt the right way is one of the most powerful skills you can learn. It gives women those electrical feelings that they absolutely LONG for. You can flirt verbally and non-verbally.

In this article, I shared with you the most powerful non-verbal flirting techniques that exist. Nothing beats them. The key to learning how to flirt the right way is “getting a feel for it”.



Kirby Kaur
The Savanna Post

A Reformed Extreme Introvert. Analyst. Professional Relationships blogger. Web Enthuatist