Are You A Feminine Man?

What women find attractive in a man is changing. According to recent studies, guys with more feminine traits could be more attractive than those that ooze masculinity. But what does that mean for a stylish man like you?

Kirby Kaur
The Savanna Post
4 min readApr 21, 2023


A man who shows his sensitive side is great. Some girls love the feminine guy, because he’s so in touch with his sensitive side. And then, there are other girls who just can’t stand the sight of a feminine man who displays even a hint of “womanliness” in his behavior.

What makes a feminine man who he is?

A feminine man display characters that are traditionally considered to be more “womanly” *sounds sexist, I know, but there’s science to prove that men and women don’t think and behave the same way*. It could be his upbringing, his softer nature, or just his interest in selfcare and grooming, there are some traits that make a man more masculine or more feminine.

Are feminine males more attractive?

Yes and no.

Guys who show classically ‘feminine’ traits while maintaining an equal level of masculinity are attractive. Guys who entirely abandon their masculinity in favor of femininity? Not so much. As with most things in life, it’s all about striking a balance.

Let’s think about this in terms of supercars. A Ferrari should be fast and loud — two masculine traits that make it a thrill to drive. But it should also have a slim figure, soft seats, and a great smell — right? Those are some pretty feminine traits.

A supercar’s masculine and feminine traits make it incredibly desirable to most people. It’s no different when it comes to guys and their levels of femininity.

According to a study conducted by the University of Gottingen in Germany, 90% of women ranked kindness as the #1 trait they find attractive in a partner. This was closely followed by supportiveness and intelligence.

Take note: none of these three personality traits are traditionally ‘manly.’ In fact, kindness and supportiveness both require great emotional intelligence, which many would argue is on the feminine end of the personality spectrum.

Why do feminine women dislike dating feminine men?

Perhaps, because opposites attract? Maybe evolution or our formative years have triggered our brain to prefer certain traits over others, especially keeping procreation in mind?

I am totally okay with guys who are sensitive and understanding. We all want them to listen and to care when we are sick, or upset, or really just want to vent. But, come in a little closer here, if we want to be honest, there comes the point where a guy goes way over the gender line, and it makes you want to go, ewwww! Because of that, feminine guys are just a huge turn off to many women.

It isn’t that having some feminine qualities aren’t totally attractive to women. It definitely is! Many women want an empathetic and understanding boyfriend or partner in their life. But it’s just that when these feminine traits are combined with many, many more, that’s when a man crosses deep into feminine territory, which can be a total turn off to women.

How do you show your feminine side?

At this point, I think it’s essential that you understand showing your feminine side is a good thing and will make you more attractive to women. Knowing how to demonstrate your feminine side is vital when presenting yourself as a mature and modern man.

To demonstrate your feminine side, you just need to be open to your emotions, understand your partner’s feelings and look after yourself:

  • Talk to your partner about how you feel — don’t bottle up your emotions. Let them out and communicate them healthily and productively.
  • Listen to how your partner feels — if she’s upset, ask why. If you don’t understand her feelings, ask her to explain them to you so you can get to know her better.
  • Assess your grooming routine — are you taking care of your skin and maintaining a healthy diet? Could you join a gym and research the best skincare products for men?
  • Be proud of your appearance — is your hair well-styled, and do you dress well? Consider researching the best style tips for men according to your age.

Equally, it’s essential you still take part in your masculine interests and hobbies. Don’t stop yourself from enjoying a beer with the guys or catching your team’s latest game. It’s all about balance — do what makes you happy and be the best man you can be.

The verdict: do women like feminine men?

Women like guys who show feminine qualities while still presenting themselves as masculine.

When it comes to emotions, women want their partners to be open and willing to share in mature conversations about one another’s feelings. A stoic man might fit the description of ‘traditional’ masculinity, but that will not fly in the modern dating scene.

A man has to be an open book — it shows a greater intelligence and emotional maturity (two things that rank very highly when it comes to attractive male personality traits!)

That’s not to say that women don’t want a man to show he’s a man now and again. Demonstrating your strength and resolve is a great way to appear masculine and show your value to a potential partner — just don’t go overboard. There’s a big difference between being confident and arrogant — present yourself as a know-it-all alpha male, and you’re only going to turn women away.

In short — you need to find the sweet spot between masculinity and femininity. Act like a man, look like a man, but appreciate and understand the need to be more emotional and understanding when the occasion calls for it.



Kirby Kaur
The Savanna Post

A Reformed Extreme Introvert. Analyst. Professional Relationships blogger. Web Enthuatist