Is It Really Worth Missing A Workout? 6 Questions to Help You Decide

Consider these points before deciding whether to skip (or modify) your next workout.

Mathieu Le Meur
The Savanna Post
5 min readFeb 1, 2023


Tired woman taking rest after an intense workout

Creating an exercise routine and staying committed to it is easier said than done. We all want to skip a day every now and then, but should we?

When we skip a day we set ourselves up to want to skip more days. We can also lose momentum, this is especially true for those prone to losing touch with good exercise habits.

As a personal trainer, the best advice I can give is to never skip a day if you can help it.

If you are thinking about skipping a day here are some questions you should ask yourself before you make your final decision.

1. Will you regret this decision?

Maybe it would feel good to stay in bed and sleep or go home from work without the hassle of going to the gym, but how will you feel later? Instant gratification can be rewarding, but that good feeling often wears off, leaving you feeling guilty and wishing you’d made a different choice.

Thinking about the consequences may push you to make the right decision. Remind yourself that:

  • Exercise is a choice, not a jail sentence. Knowing you’re in charge of what you do may nudge you in the right direction.
  • Every day is different. You may have to work harder sometimes to get motivated.

Exercise is a commitment you make every day. Some days you’re less committed than others, so you’ll need to draw on discipline to get you out the door.

2. What have my other workouts this week looked like?

Achieving your goals doesn’t happen because you worked out on a specific day; it happens because you were consistent in your efforts over a long period of time. Doing so involves making a plan — one that will work with your particular situation — and then adjusting as needed. Making a schedule for yourself at the beginning of the week will keep you on track.

If you are thinking about changing your workout plan for the day, look also at your schedule for the week. If you’ve been consistent all week, and can find ways to make up your workout in other ways, skipping one day won’t make much of a difference in the long run. However, if your week’s schedule has been lighter than usual, it’s probably important to fit in your workout in whatever way you can.

3. Will I be making up this workout?

This is one of those questions where you need to be honest with yourself. If you are working toward a goal, for which this workout is important, do you have a specific, achievable plan for making it up? If the make-up plan is to wake up at 5 a.m. to squeeze in your missed workout, when you are a night owl who can barely drag yourself out of bed by 8 a.m. every day, that might not be a realistic plan.

However, if you are looking ahead, and you see a solid chunk of time on another day that you can fit your missed workout into, that might work. Although some people can stick to a consistent schedule, there are a lot of people that often have to pencil in their workout at a variety of times.

If your schedule shifts around a lot, it’s far better to have a variable workout schedule than no schedule at all. The important aspect is that you come up with a realistic plan to make it work, and to be consistent in your efforts.

4. Do you have a legitimate reason to skip this workout?

Sometimes, skipping a workout is the best idea. If you’re sick, tired, or injured, you may need to rest. If it’s a matter of motivation, think about or even write down anything that might motivate you.

  • Remind yourself of all of the benefits of exercise.
  • Imagine all the people working out now. If they can do it, so can you.
  • Think of how good you’ll feel when you’ve finished your workout.
  • Remember that getting started is the hardest part. Commit to doing your warm-up. If you can get that far, you’ll keep going.

Keep trying until you find something that works. Then keep your list handy for the next time.

5. Will changing my workout plans affect my goals?

If you are training for a marathon or a competition, consider how this missed workout will affect that goal. Skipping the last long run before your race might not be such a good idea. But if you are skipping a slow, easy run early in your training plan, and you’ve got a solid reason for doing so — as well as a game plan for how to achieve the bigger goal — that’s another story.

It’s also good to envision what it feel like to achieve your goal. On days when your motivation is lagging, you need remember what it felt like in the past when you achieved a meaningful fitness goal. Usually, that feeling of accomplishment will inspire you to get back on track.

6. Can I modify, rather than skip, my workout?

If your reason for skipping a workout is that something urgent has come up, such as a work crisis or an unexpected family obligation, consider whether you can modify your workout rather than skip it altogether. Give yourself the latitude to make changes if needed. Keep in mind that routine is important.

For example, if you were planning on a one-hour strength training workout after work, but now you’re on a time crunch, maybe you can fit in 15 or 20 minutes of whole-body exercises instead. Life is always going to happen, and flexibility is important.

Something is always better than nothing.

The Take-Away

We all have our excuses for not wanting to work out. We’re too tired, we’re too busy, we don’t feel like it, we’ll do it later, etc. You’re not required to work out. However, we know there are many benefits to regular exercise, including improved mood, increased energy, and a decreased risk of a number of chronic conditions.

As hard as it is to get started on a workout plan — and to keep going — making time for regular physical activity can have a significant impact on your quality of life.



Mathieu Le Meur
The Savanna Post

Am a personal trainer and I help guys who don’t feel motivated to stay accountable and hit their goals. You will fall in love with fitness follow along