These 10 Vitamin C Foods Are Even Better Than Oranges

Why not expand your list of vitamin C foods and incorporate a wider selection of fruits and veggies in your routine?

Stanley Barnes
The Savanna Post
3 min readJul 23, 2024


When it comes to vitamin C foods, your go-to sources might be an orange or a glass of orange juice — and, yes, oranges are known for being high in this essential vitamin. But they may not actually the best source, and they’re certainly not the only one. Of course, there’s no reason to stop eating oranges, but why not expand your list of vitamin C foods and incorporate a wider selection of fruits and veggies in your routine?

Vitamin C is essential for several processes in the body, including building muscle and cartilage, healing, and protecting the body from serious illnesses such as heart disease and cancer thanks to its antioxidant power.

Which food is highest in vitamin C?

There are many foods that are good sources, and it’s a good idea to get a variety of foods in your daily diet, not only for balanced nutrition, but also for enjoyment. Here are 10 delicious, healthy foods with more vitamin C than an orange.

1. Kiwi

Just one kiwi contains more than 100% of your recommended daily value. They’re refreshing on their own, paired with yogurt or cottage cheese, or blended into a smoothie. And don’t forget to eat the skin; that’s where all that great fiber is. (Did you know: Kiwi is technically a berry.)

2. Guava

Guava contains nearly 2 times the amount of vitamin C of an orange. This tropical fruit also contains manganese and potassium, which makes it great for balancing electrolytes post-workout and keeping you hydrated. Add it to a post-workout shake or toss some on top of a salad.

3. Pineapple

Pineapples contain 131% of the RDI for vitamin C and also have an enzyme called bromelain, which helps to break down protein. That means it also eases digestion, too. Pineapple is another great fruit to include in smoothies or snack on. It’s also delicious in drinks, salsa, and grilled dishes.

4. Broccoli

You might know that this cruciferous veggie is high in protein, fiber, calcium, and iron — and it’s also rich in vitamin C. A 1/2-cup serving of broccoli contains 70% of your daily value of vitamin C.

5. Kale

Yet another reason to keep eating those kale salads: This leafy green contains nearly 140% of your daily requirement of vitamin C, as well as vitamin K, fiber, and healthy antioxidants, which can protect your heart and bones.

6. Papaya

Papaya contains nearly 110% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. It also contains potassium, magnesium, and calcium, making it great for muscle repair and strengthening bones post-workout, as well as rebalancing electrolytes. Add it to a smoothie, fruit salad, or your morning oatmeal.

7. Mango

Mangoes contain upwards of 60% of your daily value for vitamin C, as well as other nutrients like folate, fiber, and copper. Make a salsa or sorbet with it, create a glaze or dressing for fresh greens or chicken, or grill it and serve with yogurt, ricotta, or ice cream.

8. Strawberries

A serving of 8 strawberries contains a full day’s worth of vitamin C. They’re delicious for sweet and savory recipes: Add them to smoothies or salads, use them in a marinade and dressing, or pair them with cheese and balsamic vinegar.

9. Bell Peppers

These colorful veggies are bursting with vitamin C. They provide over 150% percent of your daily value for vitamin C, which is definitely one of the most among all vegetables. I do love stuffing peppers with avocado, cottage cheese, beans, and diced chicken. Bell peppers are also key to delicious fajitas and stir-fries.

10. Brussels Sprouts

These mini cabbages contain 80% of the RDI for vitamin C and are an excellent source of vitamin K. Roast or sauté them, and pair with your favorite ingredients, like garlic, almonds, or Parmesan. You can also shave them and make a raw salad or slaw, too.



Stanley Barnes
The Savanna Post

Medical Licentiate practitioner (ML). Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM). Mind Blowing Blogger