photo: tim cook

Learners in Residence

join our higher-ed lab as a full-time student

Timothy Freeman Cook
The Saxifrage School
3 min readNov 25, 2013


We have come a long way over the last year and are realizing we are now at the point where a student could study with us full time. We are at a place now where we want to work with students on a longer term basis. While we are not nearly done building our programs, we think that—for the right, self-motivated sort of student—we could offer a unique, and uniquely affordable, educational experience. At our current prices, a student could go ahead and sign up for two semesters of four classes each and pay just $3600 for a year of learning, but we would like to take this a step further.

Not only do we want someone to come learn full-time with us, we are also interested in learning from them and using their experiences and feedback to continue developing our programs. To make this happen, we are going to open up 2 spots for Learners in Residence. Residents will get the following benefits:

  • Take as many courses as you like (commit to a minimum of 9 during a year) for about 25% off the normal price. This is over $1000 less than usual and would cost about $2950 for 9 courses during the year.
  • We will match you with a mentor who fits your professional and academic interests and, if you need it, help you find quality, affordable housing in our campus neighborhood. Weekly meetings with your mentor will help you set your learning plan for the year and identify resources for your continued development.
  • Have a standing weekly coffee date with our Director (me!) Residents can use this time to offer feedback on the program and help us customize it to meet their needs and interests. We want to offer you an inside perspective on our work and help you think critically about your learning process, both structurally and personally.
  • Match you up with a web designer and make sure you are capturing a digital portfolio of your work from day one.

Take a year. Learn to build, grow, and code. Learn to design, write, and read critically. Dig in to the life of a real neighborhood and start to serve the needs of your community. Ask big questions and discover what you love to do.

Who Should Apply?

Priority for the two Learners in Residence spots will be given to students aged 18-21 or students who have not graduated from a four-year college, but we will consider learners of all ages.

The ideal applicant will be someone who is a little afraid, but most excited about diving in to an experiential, project-based learning community. We’re looking for a student who is interested in not only learning how to make things, but to question the value of what they are making. Whoever joins us should be deeply interested in both the liberal arts and the trades. If you’re struggling to choose between a technical degree program and studying the humanities, this would be a great fit.

How to Apply?

Applications for the Learners in Residence program will be accepted on a rolling basis. Residents can begin as early as February, 2014 or at the start of any of our Spring, Summer, or Fall terms.

If you want to apply, send a note to with the following:

  • Three paragraphs on why you would like to join us and when.
  • One paragraph describing yourself. Who you are, where you live, your age, etc.
  • Your portfolio or resume
  • A link to a 2-minute video (hosted on Vimeo or Youtube) that responds to these two quotes (be creative, boring, or ridiculous, this prompt is intentionally open-ended!):

“[The world needs people who] see something that needs to be done and start to do it, without the government’s permission, or official advice, or expert advice, or applying for grants or anything else. They just start doing it.”
— Wendell Berry

“Do not play life, or study it merely, while the community supports [us] at this expensive game, but earnestly live it from beginning to end.”
— Henry David Thoreau

If you are up to it, we are excited to have you join our learning community. Write me @timothyfcook with any questions.



Timothy Freeman Cook
The Saxifrage School

Product @launchdarkly; founder of @saxifrageschool ed. laboratory. Part-time farmer. Bikes. Poems.