A Call to Arms

My mother & mother-in-law have their sights set on my husband

Nancy Fairchild
The Scarlett Letter
4 min readNov 29, 2020


The author, Nancy Fairchild

My husband has a slutty mother. So do I. I say that without being judgmental. I am the last person in the world who should be condemning someone for being a slut. I put both my mother and mother-in-law to shame in that regard.

I won’t even allude to what my husband and his mother got up to during his adolescence but, suffice it to say, it wasn’t a normal relationship. She’s the sort of woman who can get away with that and I know she’s always somewhere in the wings just waiting to see my marriage disintegrate. I’ve done a pretty decent job of bringing that about a couple of times.

Another mother who has a very real interest in seeing the dissolution of my marriage is my own.

She’s capitalized on every mistake I have made in the past and has just about succeeded in replacing me in my husband’s heart. I don’t think I would be mistaken in assuming that she has had sex far more with him than I have. That’s because I am gone for long periods of time, during which time she moves right in and slowly and steadily chips away at our marriage.

Now both mothers seem to be united and are talking to each other, opening up a united front to move me out so they can move in. Their feeling is that I have enough men in my life already and losing one won’t bother me too much. They’re wrong. I do have other men in my life, but my anchor is my husband, or at least the one they are after.

How do I know this? While we were apart, my husband sent me one of his laptops a few months ago and all the passwords for his private and work emails were installed so I had unlimited access to his private life. I could see the emails my mother sent my husband and follow the string behind them, which included various references to me which are a little to brazen to publish. Let’s just say that I didn’t realize the word slut had so many synonyms.

I seem to recall phrases like, how could your slut daughter do this to my son?. And, once you take him away from her then we’ll get a bigger place in London where I can visit regularly.

It’s amazing to see two women so blatantly conspire against another. What happened to feminism?

The fact that I have two other husbands is something that provides them with the moral justification for moving in on my territory.

It’s all worked out perfectly well for the most important person in this love triangle: me.

I now have three men to spoil me and an interesting and diverse love life. It’s not everything I desire, but I can sneak around and find a lover or two on the side for a short-term relationship.

I understand how this arrangement would look from the outside. I assume many would consider me a selfish, narcissistic, spoiled libertine. They would be absolutely right.

I would point out that both my mother and mother-in-law are also spoiled narcissists. They just hide it better than me.

It doesn’t help that the husband they are after is rather successful. He could spoil all three of us without seriously damaging his finances. My other two husbands are successful but not quite in the same league.

I haven’t mentioned that, among my many faults, I’m rather shallow and materialistic. I learned that from my own mother and my mother-in-law seems to have picked up those same traits on her own. The husband they are after is not only extremely good looking, he also offers the chance to wear the finest fashion, be fitted out with eye catching jewelry and never having to give a thought to travelling in economy class ever again.

I am willing to make some compromises in the future with these two women, who are like vultures circling in the sky, just waiting for my marriage to expire.

They’re both annoyingly attractive, charismatic and have something I lack, just a smidgen more depth as a person. We could agree on a rota of sorts on a trial basis where they can move in while I’m absent on the condition that they promptly vacate the emotional space upon my return.

They don’t seem to be in the mood for compromise, though. Much as I hate to admit it, it appears we are headed towards an all out war over a man all three of us rightly consider ours.



Nancy Fairchild
The Scarlett Letter

A married libertine with a very understanding husband. Originally from New York but now in Europe and beyond. nancy.fairchild@hushmail.com