Breaking News! Ashley Madison Now Charging Men 3 Credits to Request Women’s Pics

I advise against asking for pics, and now you have a reason

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
The Scarlett Letter
5 min readJun 30, 2023


Photo by Brian Lawson on Unsplash

Effective 29 June 2023, Ashley Madison will charge men 3 credits to ask a lady for her private key, as they say, to ogle her private pictures. That equates to $0.90 or more, depending on how much was paid for credits. Credits can range anywhere from $0.27ish to $0.67 each, depending on how many you buy and what deal you’re offered.

It used to be free, so pay attention, boys, or you’ll be wasting more money and getting nothing out of it.

The Ashley Madison email announcement

(Image: Email from
(Image: Email from

For the listeners at home —

Hi You_Sexy_Beast,

As we continue to evolve Ashley Madison to best serve the needs of our Members and foster a thriving community, we’re making some important changes to Private Keys.

Effective 29/06/2023, sending Private Key requests to access private photos from other Members will cost three (3) Credits each.

Rest assured that we will always be transparent about your Private Key usage by indicating:

How much it will cost to send a Private Key request

How many Credits you’ve spent to request a Private Key

Thanks for being a valued member of Ashley Madison, and using our platform to connect with our community of like-minded Members.

The Ashley Madison Team

Asking for pics has always been a waste of time

Ashley Madison made asking for women’s pics super easy. All men had to do was push the button to receive all the T&A they ever wanted.

It’s party time in Tunatown! Milkshakes bringing boys to the yard coming right up, sir!!!

Except none of that happens.

I tell my clients never to ask for pictures because she’s not going to send them to you. Why?

  • She isn’t a piece of meat
  • She isn’t a horny slut putting herself out there
  • She isn’t interested in your judgment
  • You didn’t send a nice message
  • You didn’t send a message
  • Your profile sucks
  • You don’t have pics
  • She has dozens of requests waiting

I’d say this was good for women, and it sort of is because they’ll probably get fewer requests. The downside is it gives women one less thing to complain about AM for.

You need to earn her pictures

I currently have 51 users waiting to see my Ashley Madison pictures. I had over 100 at one point, but they got wiped when my account was suspended for a week. Sadly, I’ve had to rebuild my stock to a mildly shocking number just to show you how disinterested I am in men’s requests. Most of those men haven’t sent a message. They just want to see the goods.

And what exactly are the goods, you ask? My pics are a little saucy, but you don’t see much:

  • My gorge bum in panties kneeling on a chair
  • Me holding my wonderful boobs (no nips showing)
  • Non-graphic proof the carpet does indeed match the drapes
  • The drapes as they appear in my Medium profile picture

When I work in client accounts, I see a lot of women’s pictures and mine are on the sexier side of what most offer, but they’re pretty tame. Are they worth $0.81 to $2.01 to see?

They might be if I was getting paid to show them, but no, not really. Most aren’t because she’s not the dirty whore you imagine she is. She’s more like your mom showing her face, body shape and maybe a bit of cleavage.

And you didn’t get those for free, so you won’t get them for two bucks.

She needs to know you aren’t a shit before you get to see the goodies. And we figure that out through convo; not some lame drive-by pic request. As if.

What men should do

What should you do? Free or not, men should stop asking for women’s pics.


Let her offer her pics. Let her ask for yours. Build trust through a decent conversation. Show her you’re a decent guy, not some oversexed 40+ teenage man-child with a boner your wife won’t sit on.

Have a nice profile write-up, a fun/funny (not gross or childish) user name, and send a decent message. A message you could read to your mother and cause her to say —

“Oh, she’ll like that,” rather than “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

That’s it. You’d be surprised how easy it is to get a woman to chat with you on a dating site. If you present as the sort of man a woman could feel safe with, you’re halfway there.

And that goes for any dating site, not just AM.


Most women come to Ashley Madison looking for sex. Your job is to convince them they should have sex with you. Wasting 3 credits asking for pics she won’t send won’t do that. It will not convince her you’re “the one.” Save your credits for the very nice message you need to send instead.


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© Teresa J. Conway, 2023

