Dreamy Sex on the Train

Make most of the time available on your long journeys

zesty zariah
The Scarlett Letter
10 min readMar 12, 2022


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I stared out of the train window and saw the landscape go by. The mountains and fields rolled by outside in the gray light of a March morning, as I mentally and morally prepared for my six-and-a-half-hour drive home.

I had been to my aunt’s in New York this weekend to redeem an overdue Christmas present. She gave me the whole trip, including going to a concert, as a gift, and I was still floating around, slightly intoxicated by the experience.

I had spent most of the outward journey sleeping and listening to music and I thought that it would be the same on the return trip. I bagged a seat in an empty four-seater group with a table with earplugs stuck in my ears. I dozed off a bit until I heard the conductor’s voice asking for the tickets.

He stopped at each seat. When I saw him, my mouth almost dropped open. He was tall, had short brown hair, blue-green eyes, and an amazing smile. His uniform couldn’t hide the fact that he obviously liked sports. His shirt hugged his hardened body and showed his muscles clearly. Immediately my jeans started to tingle and I gradually got restless and squirmed in my seat with excitement. Luckily the table was able to cover me.

Suddenly the conductor lifted his head and looked straight at me and smiled. I blushed and dug out my ticket in embarrassment. In my head, I couldn’t kick my ass enough for getting caught staring. Luckily, the conductor didn’t seem to mind. He just smiled at me with his Hollywood mature smile, took my ticket, and stamped it.

When he gave it back to me, he wished me a pleasant journey with a promise to answer any questions or other requests I should have on the journey. In fact, I could just come to him in the front part of the train, if need be. He then winked at me, before he went about his usual business.

As soon as he was gone I dozed off right back and continued listening to the music.

It’s not the first time that older men have shown interest in me. At 18 years, with brown medium-length hair, green/blue eyes, and a slim, almost dainty figure, I was already worth a second look. But still, it always surprised me when someone showed an obvious interest in me.

I hadn’t had much experience with boys before. Except for mutual oral and pampering with the hands, nothing had happened yet. I realized that I wanted to try it again, but I was really scared of dating a guy online, let alone going to a bar or something like that. And the guys I’ve had my experiences with so far weren’t really good enough for sex.

“Is this space available?” I looked up and saw the face of a man who could easily be on the billboard for an Armani ad. Angular contours, full black hair, a three-day stubble, a slightly darker complexion, and piercing dark brown, almost black eyes. He was wearing a dark blue suit and the open jacket revealed the shirt stretching across his chest.

“Sure,” I replied, hoping he didn’t hear the slight tremor in my voice. The guy put his briefcase on the shelf, took off his jacket, and then sat down diagonally across from me. I tried hard to look out the window and not to stare at him constantly while he did something on his tablet.

I couldn’t help myself staring at him. Once or twice he looked up and caught me. I thought I saw a smile twitch around the corners of his mouth but I told myself that I was surely imagining it all. After all, I was only 18 when the hormones were still going crazy and you see everything that appeals to you sexually.

Suddenly I felt something brush up and down my leg with gentle pressure. I peeked under the table and saw that it was my hunk’s leg. I looked up again and looked straight into his dark eyes, the depths of which almost reached the black depths of my pussy. I was aroused. The guy now withdrew his foot, got up, and walked out through the wagon.

I sat in my seat completely perplexed and didn’t quite know what to make of the whole thing. Then I saw the folded note lying on the table. I looked at it and felt hot all over again. The note read:

“I noticed your looks little one. If you dare, we can make this ride a little nicer here. Follow me through the train to the toilet door. Knock three times, firstly harder, then softer, and I’ll let you in.”

My mouth went dry and my pulse started racing. I just couldn’t believe what I was reading. I thought about what I should do now but finally, the thought of losing the opportunity wouldn’t let go of me. My tingling cunt pushed me too and so I got up and made my way through the train. And indeed, three cars further on, I saw the toilet.

I raised my hand and knocked exactly as asked, three times, first harder, then softer. The bolt was released immediately and I was able to enter. And there he was in all his glory.

The hunk had completely discarded his clothes and his defined body was no longer covered by anything. His cock stuck out hard and made my mouth water. He pulled me towards him and wordlessly hugged me to his chest.

I understood immediately and began licking his nipples with my tongue and nibbling them gently. I let my hands slide over his hard body and elicited a throaty moan from him, but couldn’t stay there long.

With a decisive pressure on my shoulders, the guy forced me to my knees so that I was now at eye level with his enormous cock and his gear. I was just about to start sliding my tongue gently over this horny part when the guy grabbed my head on both sides and pushed his cock hard into my mouth.

I was so surprised that I had to gag a bit, but that only seemed to make this guy hornier. He fucked me hard and fast in the throat. He groaned under his breath as he directed the rhythm for me with his strong arms. I clung to him with my hands and once I got used to the hard pace I actually enjoyed the treatment. I was a toy in the hands of this macho man and he obviously had no intention of showing me any consideration.

His steel-hard cock pushed deeper and deeper into my mouth and soon his balls were slapping against my chin. Then I suddenly felt the already bulging stick in my mouth swell even more violently. The hunk shot his juice down my throat. I reflexively began to swallow, but the guy had so much cream for me that part of it spilled out of the corner of my mouth and dripped onto my shirt and jeans.

Finally, he pulled his now limp cock out of my mouth, got dressed without a word, and left the toilet. I was just sitting on the floor and couldn’t quite believe what had just happened here. I had just been mouth fucked by a really horny guy and swallowed his juice and enjoyed every second of it. My cunt was still tingling with lust in my jeans and finally demanded attention.

I was about to get up to bring myself to orgasm when suddenly there was a knock on the toilet door.

“Hello? Are you alright?” It was the voice of the handsome conductor, who had already caught my eye.

“Yeah, everything’s great!” I called out hastily. And frantically searched for a handkerchief or toilet paper to wipe the hunk’s sperm residue off my shirt, jeans, and face.

“Please open the door, or I’ll have to open it from the outside to see that you’re really alright.”

“Now!” I yelled, desperately trying to brush away the evidence of my encounter with my passenger. Unfortunately only with moderate success. Again there was a knock at the door.

So I had no choice but to open up to my dream conductor in my sperm-smeared clothes. He made my knees weak when I saw him, and looked me up and down from head to toe. At the sight of the white spots on my shirt, he started to grin mischievously and his gaze rested on my jeans.

Without saying another word, he pushed his way through the open door, forcing me to back out. He pulled the door shut and let the bolt slide into the lock. I couldn’t really realize what was going on, I couldn’t move and I had a lump in my throat.

All I could do was stare at the Dream Conductor, who slowly turned to me and gave me his dazzling smile once more. But now there was something in his eyes that hadn’t been there before at the card check. Something dark, lustful, and mysterious.

“You messed yourself up pretty bad, little one,” he said, the sound of his voice sending a shiver down my spine. “Let me clean you up a bit.”

I winced and only now realized that he knew for sure what those white marks on my shirt were.

“Let’s go,” my conductor said, and his tone became more demanding.

I finally woke up from my rigid state and immediately knelt down in front of him and started to undo his belt and pants. As I pulled down the waistband of the tight blue boxers, what I saw now made me gasp open-mouthed. If the piece of my southerner Adonis from before had been considerable, this one right before my eyes was even bigger. And he’s not even hard, I thought.

“Don’t worry, little one. He only bites when you annoy him. So don’t stare so stupidly and finally take it in your mouth,” he demanded. I didn’t need to be told twice. I slowly approached this huge beating and opened my mouth to cover the fat glans with it. Immediately I felt the strong pulsing that made my whole mouth vibrate.

I tried to get more of this beauty in my mouth, but even though I tried my best, the long shaft just seemed to go on and on. To make matters worse, the conductor’s enormous cock swelled up under my treatment and now extended to its full size.

“Mmmmmhhh, you’re not doing badly little one.”

That praise spurred me on even more, and I picked up the pace by bobbing my head back and forth.

I forced myself to let more and more of that stallion’s cock down my throat and tried to breathe calmly through my nose to suppress my gag urges. After a few minutes, the conductor suddenly grabbed me on both sides of my head and pulled his cock out of my mouth.

“So that’s enough. Now we want to see if your little cunt can keep up with your mouth.”

He pulled my pants down. My cunt showed through the clear wet spot of my thong. He gently created access for my sexual button himself.

“Much better. So and now let’s take a look at your cunt.”

With these words, I felt my labia being pulled apart as I felt a cool breeze on my lips. Suddenly that breath of air was replaced by something warm, wet, and soft. Oh my god, how cool, I thought and again a muffled moan escaped through my closed mouth.

My conductor slid his tongue around and in and out of my hole. I felt myself relaxing more and more as my cunt began to twitch and swell. Then the tongue was gone. I wanted to groan in disappointment until I felt something else pressing against my hole. My conductor had now moistened a finger and penetrated deep into me. This time I couldn’t stop myself in time and groaned loudly.

“Be quiet or someone will hear us!” he muttered.

I immediately bit my lip to muffle my noises. While one finger was now supplemented by another and finally by another. Three fingers were now stuck in my virgin hole and I enjoyed every second of it and even began to push my pelvis in rhythm against the fingers fucking me. “Ah!” laughed the conductor behind me.

“So now we’re ready for the real play. “

As pulled off his fingers out and I suddenly felt an emptiness that was desperate to be filled again. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long.

First, he spread some spit on my hungry hole and immediately afterward I felt the hot tip of his glans on my cunt, wanting to get admission with pressure. I could not control my moans. My conductor angrily put his hand over my mouth and then thrust the full length of his monster cock into me with a jerk.

I thought I would tear up and cry out loud.

“Oh man you’re tight little cunt!” moaned my fucker behind me and started to pull his cock out of my hole again.

When he replaced it back again, he pushed back and sunk his entire length into me. He kept playing this game until my cries of pain turned into groans of pleasure. He must have noticed how I relaxed and began to increase his pace, thrusting into me harder and harder. I felt this huge cock inside me and I was dizzy with the feeling.

Suddenly my pussy twitched uncontrollably and then I had my first incredible orgasm. I wanted to scream out, but the conductor’s hand, which was pressing hard against my mouth, made it muffled.

With a loud groan, he pushed his huge cock all the way inside me again and shot his juice deep into my wet and leaking cunt in seven violent spurts. Exhausted, he gently fell onto my back and breathed heavily into my ear.

“Oh my little one.” he choked out, breathing heavily. “You should make train journeys more often.”

The music stopped and I woke up.. and after a short time, I realized that I had slept the whole journey again.

“In a few minutes we will reach Rochester, New York,” said the announcing machine. I noticed when getting off how wet my thong was from this dream.

“It doesn’t have to stay a dream,” I thought to myself and smirked a little.

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zesty zariah
The Scarlett Letter

My name is Zaria. Welcome to my world. Full of zest but my wings were clipped. This is the space where I learn to fly. Will you witness this journey with me?