Fools Rush In

I am a sucker for a slut

Brian O'Connell
The Scarlett Letter
3 min readNov 30, 2020


The author’s wife, Nancy Fairchild

There are a lot of disparaging words men use to describe hedonistic women.

Slut. Skank. Ho.

That’s strange when you think of it because who pays prostitutes for sex? Which is more reprehensible when it comes to transactional sex: paying for it or taking money for it?

Somehow men evade condemnation for the same behavior that they condemn women for. The double standard.

Women are held to a “higher” moral standard than men.

There’s an entire language subset created just to degrade women. Skank, ho and slut are words that are bandied about without a thought. They put a certain type of woman in a category that makes them suitable for only one thing: sex on demand. Only a fool falls in love with a slut, or a skank or a ho.

That makes it particularly hard for a man to create a relationship with a woman who has been relegated to a whore. I know that very well because I am married to a slut, a skank and a ho. And I love her.

My mother is a slut, a skank and a ho, as is my wife’s mother. I love both of those women too. So, I am surrounded by a bevy of sluts and I have had sex with them. What does that make me?

Judging by the hate mail I get; it makes me a fool. Really? I don’t think so, because I wake up with a beautiful woman at my side.

There’s a certain type of man out in the world who has an intense hatred of women borne out of exclusion. Often, it’s self-imposed. If you dig deeper in the psyche of men towards women who are, by their very nature, hedonists, what you will find is they feel intense envy. Though they would never admit it.

I admire hedonists. Women who take what they want. Who live life on their terms.

To add insult to injury, I spoil all three of the sluts who are closest to me. My wife, who performs in that class better than her other two competitors, has never had to work a day in her life. That being said, she did do a 15-month stint as a prostitute in France whilst we were married. My mother-in-law’s entire wardrobe, including shoes and lingerie has been purchased with my credit card. My mother, who has had a string of hopeless lovers, also lives at my expense.

The inherent problem with sluts is they tend to be quite good looking and they often have a sense of style that sets them apart from other women. In fact, certain sluts are what other men might call ‘eye candy’. They are often the sort of woman who walks into a room and attracts the attention of every man. That creates a paradox.

Does one choose a woman as a mate who is plain or alluring?

What sort of man would support three sluts in style? Obviously, a fool. I might add that the sluts I spoil are all incredibly beautiful. But, according to the numerous messages I get, I should have married a prude. I should be with a woman who barely tolerates sex and certainly would never enjoy it.

If you are in love with a woman who likes to suck your cock, chances are she has sucked others. If you are married to a slut there’s a very strong likelihood that she’s going to be anything else but entirely faithful to you. If you can’t cope, then you should retire from the playing field and play games that are less risky.

I’ve paid a prostitute for sex. Just once, in my youth. I felt a bit ashamed about that because I let lust take over my life for a bit and sated that with a brief meaningless transaction. That regret didn’t extend to the beautiful woman I paid that evening long ago. She chose to be a prostitute but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t someone deserving of love.

The three women in my life that I adore are all hedonists like myself and I don’t regret for a second that they are in my life. Some “foolish men” may call them sluts, skanks and ho’s but those poor souls have never experienced what I have.

Their frigid bedrooms won’t ever compare to the sizzle of mine.

