If Hub knew I took his Viagra he’d shit himself!

But he shit himself anyway.

The Scarlett Letter


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I could see the words “Viagra” written on a box in a see-through plastic bag. It was so close for the taking…

It was supposed to be just a quiet morning at home, with plans to meet my lover later in the day, but there I was, plotting like a character out of a spy movie. The mission? To acquire one elusive Viagra Pill without alerting my husband – How difficult can that be?

My lover needs a little help lately, he’s fifty plus, god love him. He needed a help and didn’t have a supply of those wonderful blue pills.

The Initial Scheme

My husband, keeps his medication stashed away by his bedside – a location both convenient and, as it turned out, risky for these sneaky operations. My first attempt to steal a pill was a failure. He was laying In bed and I took him up a drink and pretended to look for some aspirin.

Of course he decided to stay in bed that day!

He’s disabled, and sometimes staying in bed is the easiest thing for him.

The ruse was perfect, or so I thought. “It’s not here,” he kept repeating, his eyes squinting at the medicine I shuffled through. I could see the words “Viagra” written on a…



The Scarlett Letter

I’m real, true to myself, no pretence, just trying to survive my complicated life!! Please be kind! I do hope that I entertain you with some of my stories.