Learning to Trust My Affair Partner!

And three lessons I learnt!

The Scarlett Letter


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“I didn’t know you were going out? Where are you going?”

It was another work day, yes, yet another🙄, thinking about winning the lottery 💭 sipping my morning coffee, and juggling work emails. My phone buzzed – a picture from my lover, dressed in a patterned shirt and jacket, looking every bit the part of the dapper gentleman he is. “Leaving now,” his message read, a simple statement that unexpectedly set the stage for crazy, hostile thoughts.

God, I’m a mad woman🤪

I stared at the message, “Leaving? But for where?” The questions spilled out before I could stop them. “I didn’t know you were going out? Where are you going?” I texted back to my lover. The digital clock on my phone ticked away as if it could tick, each passing minute stretching into eternity. It was 7:30 AM, a time when the world seemed to stand still, my imagination running on overtime.

Blue text is the Authors, and white is the lovers text!

With no immediate response, my mind went into overdrive, the most prominent among them the image of him meeting another woman. Despite the clutter of work demanding my attention, I found myself glued to my…



The Scarlett Letter

I’m real, true to myself, no pretence, just trying to survive my complicated life!! Please be kind! I do hope that I entertain you with some of my stories.