Adultery Academy

Lesson Three — Affair Partner Selection & Management

Thinking outside your circles, avoiding fools and protecting yourself.

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
The Scarlett Letter
4 min readSep 29, 2020


Photo by Paola Galimberti on Unsplash

There are people and then there are people. Who you pick to cheat with will likely determine the outcome of your affair before it begins. It also will depend on how the cheating happened.

This course assumes you’ve decided to cheat and are looking for the resources to do it well. This course won’t help you if you had drunken late night sex in the garage with your brother-in-law — unless you liked it and want more.

Your Family, Social, and Work Circles

Your circles are where people know you. An AP in your circle will be known to other people in your circle. Knowing both of you, they will observe you together. And no matter how sneaky you are, they’ll notice something.

A stolen glance, a lingering touch. An inside joke only the two of you laugh at. On their own these things may appear to be nothing, but they’ll start adding up the longer you and your AP are observed together.

Having an affair outside your circles reduces the chances of being observed by people who know you well.

