Me and My Big Mouth

When we get in our heads, jeopardize what we have in front of us.

Jersey Girl
The Scarlett Letter
2 min readAug 23, 2023


Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

Ever let your mind take over?

You start listening to your friends, letting their thoughts take over your own. Yet, you stop listening to what your inner voice is saying.

It’s so easy to talk about the negative things in anything food, movies, relationships.

People never talk about the positive things.

This is what happened to me! I may have messed up an amazing relationship, to boot.

I talked about missing him. Never how this person made me feel (that would be the positive). I just made it sound like I was more neglected. Yet, I didn’t talk about my morning messages like “Good Morning, Beautiful” and sweet voice messages at the end of the day. “I love hearing from you, baby.”

Sneak peeks into his world. Getting him to tell me silly jokes back at me or seeing a daily picture, especially on fun shirt Fridays!

Sometimes, we get wrapped up in our daily routine we lose that NRE and take each for granted because if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

So hopefully, if I didn’t royally f**k this up. I can’t imagine not having him in my life. I hope he might keep me around so we both can remind each other we are important and the things we like about each other.

Like his buttery lips, soft hands, his smile that can go forever. Running my fingers through his hair, or the way we look into each other’s eyes.

What he likes remains to be up to him, if the story continues.



Jersey Girl
The Scarlett Letter

Love, Relationships, Questioning Everything with my Heart, Body and Mind just sometimes in a sexual way.