My Affair Partner & I Had Dinner With My Daughter

My worlds are slowly intersecting

The Scarlett Letter


Pic generated by DALL-E by Author.

“Don’t put up with shit as you don’t deserve that.”

For five years now, I’ve had an open marriage with my disabled husband who spends much of his time confined to his bed, dealing with his health issues. I‘ve been dating my Affair Partner/lover for five wonderful years. My daughters are aware of my affair, especially considering the open yet discreet nature of my relationship with my lover and are accepting.

The Prelude to Dinner

This dinner wasn’t a casual affair. I arranged it out of necessity, as I tried to provide support to my daughter in any way possible. She was struggling, dealing with personal marital issues that is weighing heavily on her. My lover, who I was spending the weekend with, suggested dinner out — a moment of normalcy in our otherwise secret life.

I proposed the idea to him, asking if he’d mind the company of my daughter, hoping that perhaps he could offer a male perspective, a different voice other than mine, plus I knew they were both smart so they would agree or disagree on a few things,

and solve all the world’s problems



The Scarlett Letter

I’m real, true to myself, no pretence, just trying to survive my complicated life!! Please be kind! I do hope that I entertain you with some of my stories.