My Husband’s Asleep So We Need to Be Quiet

What we’re doing is so wrong and yet we just can’t stop ourselves.

Kaia Bell
The Scarlett Letter
9 min readMay 19, 2021


Licensed from DepositPhotos

I left the key under the mat for you.

My husband is sleeping in bed beside me. The room is dark and quiet, with only the sound of his heavy, sleeping breath, and my hand is under the covers as I draw wet circles around my clit and look up at the ceiling, counting down the minutes to the moment I see you.

What we’ve been doing is very bad. We both know it. My husband and I have been over to your house and while you two go off to talk sports, your wife and I chat about books and the occasional tv show, even though we have very different tastes. Over dinner, the four of us share stories and laugh, and sometimes, in the silences toward the end of the night, you look at me a certain way and I look back just long enough to let you know I’m thinking it too.

The neighborhood barbecue is what broke us. After a long day at the park grilling hotdogs and making small talk over the sounds of screaming children, my husband left to take a work call, and your wife went home to put the kids to bed. We stayed behind to help clean up as the sun set and the park gradually emptied, and then you cracked open a beer and handed it to me as we sat on a…



Kaia Bell
The Scarlett Letter

Sex, history, and erotica with a touch of deeply felt kink. Site: