Or Maybe You’re Just Not Perfect

Coco Densmore
The Scarlett Letter
Apr 29, 2023
Photo by Amin Moshrefi on Unsplash

October 11, 2017
Email to Jeff

Something just occurred to me. I see you as being so perfect. And of course you’re not. But I can’t stop seeing you that way. Perfect man, perfect father, almost perfect husband, perfect lover.

But maybe you drink. Or you smoke too much pot. You write me some pretty obtuse stuff. I think you’re toying with me when you do that, but maybe it’s chemical, or maybe your brain is all twisted up like mine.

Or maybe you’re just not perfect.

I love you in spite of it,




Coco Densmore
The Scarlett Letter

Coco Densmore writes about Embracing Her Single, being HSV-2+, living with bipolar mental illness, and overcoming childhood sexual abuse. www.cocodensmore.com.