Our Two-Year Date Day!!

It was the beginning of something exceptional

Ms. Mischievous 😉
The Scarlett Letter
2 min readJul 27, 2024


Photo by SJ 📸 on Unsplash

The end of July marks two years since I physically met my current lover. We met as friends. I was still married (widowed now) and with a previous lover. We initially kept our relationship as friends (best way to start a relationship).

I can’t say how much I adore this man. He is kind, caring, brilliant; a world traveler, driven, and just a great person (aside from his cheating). This man has done nothing but build me up. He sees me. Not just as sexual vixen but as a women.

He was by my side during and after my spouse passing away. Broke up with a previous lover and more recently a tragedy I won’t go into at this time. I likewise have also stuck by his side — happily. Now I know you’ll all say ohh she’s single now (it’s been over a year and a half); it won’t last; she’ll want more. Yes and no. Would I start a life with this man if given the opportunity; yes.

Would I demand or ask for this from him — no? I know his situation and knew it going into this affair. I just want to say that these kinds of “relationships” can work for the better if you have two people who are committed to making it work despite the obstacles. As I said previously, the foundation of our relationship is a mutual understanding and loving friendship.

We talk or text just about every day, not only about how we feel about each other but about our families; work; just day to day activities as well. I know his children's names and what they are currently up to. Likewise, he knows my children's and grandchildren's names and what is happening in mine. We use the typical “secret app” but don’t necessarily need it as we have each other’s real phone numbers. Trust is paramount for sure.

I raise a glass of Moscato, and he raises a fine glass of bourbon.

Happy two years my sweet man. Here’s to many more!!!!

If you want more follow me at Ms. Mischievous 😉

Read my other stories here:



Ms. Mischievous 😉
The Scarlett Letter

50’s something sexy widowed woman- looking to rediscover herself; learn about love and relationships and write about her life experiences. bleueyez55@yahoo.com