Pin Me Down and Ravish Me

Why Women in Adultery Want to be Submissive

The Scarlett Letter


Are you ready to open up and be vulnerable for your lover? (Image from Pixabay)

So I have been around the adultery block a little bit and have had a handful of lovers. Despite my training as a scientist, I feel compelled to draw a conclusion based on a very limited dataset:

Women in adultery want to be dominated by a man in the bedroom.

I am an egalitarian human, but there is some science in the form of human behavior to support this hypothesis despite its inherently sexist basis.

Dead Bedrooms

Many women in adultery come from dead bedrooms or places of neglect. When we have felt like we are invisible to our spouse and no longer seen as a sexual beings, it hurts. A lot.

So a lover comes into your life and they pay lots of attention and show desire. You feel seen. My lovers got their panties wet when I talked about ravishing them and making them mine.

What a lovely change of pace from invisibility in the bedroom — someone who desires you so desperately that they will ravish you with all their energy and lust.



The Scarlett Letter

50-something man and nerd trying to learn about anything, but especially science, love, and relationships. Or buy me coffee