Roadside Assistance Was Good for Me, My Lover, and Great for My Wife

The practical side of cheating

The Scarlett Letter
2 min readMay 29, 2022


Photo by Donny Jiang on Unsplash

The Roadside Assistance membership I bought my xAP [ex-affair partner], saved my ass with my wife.

I was in a long-distance relationship, which took me hundreds of miles out of town on a weeknight. So OPSEC. Lot’s of OPSEC. I had to hide my tracks. In this case, my car and car problems.

I’m the kind of man who thinks he can fix anything. So, it takes a lot for me to ask for help in this arena. As a side note maybe my xAP could kick my ass at doing drywall (but I won’t be repeating that in public).

But more importantly, I didn’t want to explain to my wife why I was hundreds of miles from home on a weeknight with a broken-down car. At least with roadside assistance, I would have a fighting chance of pulling it off. Also, with winter driving the risks went up. So, I broke down and spent the cash. I got the type of membership that would cover me regardless of whose vehicle I was in and I got the same coverage for my wife.

So this weekend I'm up at the Cottage with my guy friends and I got a text from my wife —

The car is making a funny noise I can’t drive it over 20 KM/h

Instead of spending my whole weekend trying to troubleshoot the problem over the phone, I got to use my out-of-jail-free card. I replied —

Call Roadside Assistance, and get it towed to our favorite mechanic

My mechanic identified the problem and had her back on the road by the end of the day.

And I got to remain on my dock drinking girly drinks. Without that Roadside Assistance card, I would’ve been driving my ass back to the city to fix the problem.

Who says cheating is bad for your marriage? At the very least Roadside Assistance is good for your marriage.

And my car will be covered for my future indiscretions.



The Scarlett Letter

Empowered dyslexic , Adulterer ,Cake Eater, Recovering sugar daddy. I fall head over heels in love every time 🫣