Sienna Temptation — Part III

His text came at the right time for the right reasons

CM Jaxon
The Scarlett Letter


Photo by Recal Media on Unsplash

“M” shot me a note on our secret Facebook Messenger.” “I have some news for you.”

I sat up, making sure my husband wasn’t watching me. “Yes,” I texted, trying to hide my smile.

“You think you can get away for three nights?” “M wrote.

“Oh wow,” I thought, as I read the words on the message.

“What do you have in mind?” The escape from his domestic responsibilities could help provide a cover for me.

“Well, I have a conference coming up in two weeks. It’s in Charlotte. Would you like to join me?”

“Do you have a date?” I texted.

“Yeah, 24–27th September.”

“I can make that work, it’s the week of my birthday.”

“Well, we have to make it memorable ;-).” wrote M.

The two weeks until I saw him again felt like an eternity. I wanted M to touch me again so badly. I needed him as I started to realize that he was my escape. Coming up with a cover to leave was quite easy, but resulted in an extra round of fighting. I wasn’t surprised. Of course, my husband would make a big deal out of it. It was my birthday, and I wasn’t spending it with him.



CM Jaxon
The Scarlett Letter

Passionate Writer Of Erotica, Literature Reviews & Social Commentary. Boudoir Photographer & Owner of Bohemian Visions.