That Time My Potential Lover’s Picture Landed on My Google Display

Beware of technology, folks

Jewels Of Denial
The Scarlett Letter
2 min readAug 13, 2022


Photo by A R C H I G E R O S A on Unsplash

I’ve been getting to know this handsome fifty-something Black God for a while now. Yes, the same guy that I referred to in my “Can I, Baby” post about becoming his toy a few weeks ago. While he has my panties in a puddle most of the time, my writing has been experiencing a dry spell. My narcissistic husband is not helping the situation. I’m trying to get back at it, guys. I’m trying real hard, no pun intended. I love making you hard or wet and I want to do more of that. I will, I promise. 😉

Anyhow, in another recent article, I detailed how I, a rookie cheater, made the huge mistake of assuming Hotels By Day would ensure my privacy when charging my credit card, and how that almost landed me in hot water.

Welp, I did it again!

I made another mistake that could have been disastrous — I saved a photo of my Black God to my phone’s camera roll.

That in itself is not a big deal. I’m the only one with access to my phone. It has face recognition and a password. But here’s the problem: my Google Photos, to which my iPhone automatically uploads, is linked to my kitchen Lenovo Smart Display.

And there he was, looking at us, in all his glory. THANK GOD it wasn’t a naked picture!

“Mom, who’s that,” asked my 12 year old over lunch. “I have no clue,” I answered. I picked my phone up and discretely opened the Smart Display settings. Looks like random pictures of nature, cities and landscapes will temporarily adorn my photo frame until I figure this shit out!

And I seriously need to up my OPSEC!



Jewels Of Denial
The Scarlett Letter

Wife, Mother, Lover, Writer, Business Boss Bitch, ex Sex Worker, Visual Artist, Foodie and Coffee Addict, in no particular order.