The Perfect Adultery Radius

What is “too far” and “too close” proximity for cheating

The Scarlett Letter


Photo by Nuno Antunes on Unsplash

“You’re an hour away! That’s perfect. Not too close or too far,” he wrote.


“Fuck proximity.” That’s what I want. The potential to have a “quickie” at a moment’s notice.

“Wanna meet up?” I’d text.
“HELL YES. Let me see what I can maneuver to make this happen!” he’d respond.

Within a half-hour or so, we’d be getting busy.

I’m cheating to get LAID. Often, I hope. I don’t need the “once a month” lover anymore. I’d like the once a week guy. Or maybe, the twice a week one, LOL.

The issue is that the men I meet are never close by. They are drives away — across state lines, with “tolls kind of drives.” It’s not a “fuck proximity” kind of lover. It’s more of an “I’ll move heaven and earth to make this happen monthly or (worse yet) quarterly type of lover.”

Nope. No more of that shit for me.

I have had lovers close by (within 20 miles of me), and it was delicious. “Can I see you?” I’d write. “I’m soooo horny.”


The animal instincts in their brains took over. “Horny? Ready to fuck? Where? When?”



The Scarlett Letter

Adultery 101. Dead Bedrooms. Sex out of network. I am terrible and human. So are you. Editor of The Scarlett Letter | P.S. I Hate You | Sexpressions.