Welcome to the Adulterio Family

A Walk Around The Adultery Block With The Moon

The Moon Man Chronicles
The Scarlett Letter
4 min readJan 7, 2022


Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

It looks like the bosses asked me to show you around, give you an idea of how to be one of us, and maybe you’ll walk away with some dignity and respect from the rest of the family. A lot of knuckleheads come around here, so it’s important you pay attention, keep your head on a swivel, and always protect yourself at all times. You know the obvious rules, Don’t be a snitch, Home is off-limits, Lay Low, etc… This ain’t about that. This is how you behave yourself. So you get out of here hopefully with a nice piece. Then you go home with a smile on your face. Capiche?

First thing, the bosses of some of these places, they don’t fuck around. So don’t put no Ads for nuthin up where they don’t belong understand? Not all of these places are there for searching for your fuckin dates… Look at me…

Not for your fucking dates.

Some of those joints are there just to hang out. Pay some tribute to those who have passed through and got what they came for. A lot of the time some of the family will come through. Maybe they complain about this one or that one. You can do that if you want to, but listen to me; you’re better than that. Hey. Look at me.

You’re better than that!

Now, you’re gonna find yourself in some situations that may be uncomfortable for you, so it’s important to pay attention to what you see and hear. Some of the old-timers will tell stories on the block and there are lessons to be learned from every one of them. Are a few a bit stunad? Mingya! Who’s not a little stunad even trying this kinda stuff? But, pay attention because even the crazy ones are kinda smart.

Remember in that movie, with Bobby D, when the fuckin kid was chasing the other kid around for 20 bucks for half the movie? What was the name of that? Wait, I got it. A Bronx Tale. Anyway, that’s a good lesson to take here. Don’t chase no one. If you ask more than twice and you don’t get an answer then walk the fuck away. Imagine how he/she would be if they were your side piece and they ain’t even got the balls to answer you? You don’t need it. You got into this because you’re genuine in your search.

Nobody is irreplaceable.

You know why Johnny Boy outta the Bergen got pinched? Who’s Johnny Boy? Fuhgeddaboudit… Gotti… Madonne, you got a lot to learn.

Anyways, he got pinched because he was flashy. He liked to talk about himself and make himself out to be who the fuck he was. Don’t be flashy. Just fly straight and don’t sell out your friends. That’s why Sammy turned on him. He woulda done life for that man. But, Johnny Boy got caught up on a recording talking smack about Sammy. Bada Bing, Bada Boom, Johnny’s in the Supermax, and Sammy’s down there doing radio shows on the You Tubes.

Don’t write this down but remember it.

You don’t need another spouse!

Remember when Henry Hill was messing around and moved in with Janice? Then the wife found out, and then Paulie had to come over and squash the whole thing? Then what happens? Henry gets pinched and who’s showing up in-between visits from the wife? Yup, Janice again. And what happened? Henry’s whole spot was blown up, and now he’s got his salami out there for the whole world to see. You know why? Because he didn’t know when to leave well enough alone. Control yourself! Use ya head!

Lastly, don’t get high on your own supply.

This is can to turn to addiction quick ya jooch. So know when to walk the fuck away. You may be riding a hot streak now but you can quickly get the mush. You know what I mean? If you get a good one take it and get the fuck off the block. Don’t keep waiting for the next big score.

Cause it ain’t comin pal.

NEVER EVER take this thing too seriously. It’s supposed to be fun. Una fuga. If we wanted to be miserabile we wouldn’t be a part of this crew.

We’d be like everyone else.

An everyday schmuck.

Eating egg noodles and ketchup.

Be safe kid… See you around the block…

Moon Man



The Moon Man Chronicles
The Scarlett Letter

I write pieces about the human condition, things that I like, and stories about the debaucheries of my life. simplemanonthemoon@gmail.com