When You Know, You Know…..

Maybe there is the perfect “one” for each of us

Sir Mordred
The Scarlett Letter
4 min readJul 11, 2022


Photo by Vows on the Move on Unsplash

Every great love story has some sort of struggle, obstacle, trial, or tribulation the lovers must overcome. Meeting someone while you are both married is an example of this mountain to climb, not to mention the taboo nature of allowing love in when dancing in the darkness of an affair.

I remember hearing my love say what I am feeling is fake, and in her soft voice almost laughing at me saying it is just NREs, and yet I persisted. With each month we got to know each other, I fell more for her, and then something changed, it was like that “shoop shoop” song.


If you wanna know,
(Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop)
If he loves you so
(Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop)
It’s in his kiss…..

Because yeah; after like 5 months our kissing got better, and then it became almost supernatural… there was something in her kiss. “Was it her falling for me?” I thought. She kept a tight grip on her emotions, words, and thoughts. “This isn’t real, you know,” she said.

Fast forward to months eight through ten, my feelings are now on fire, and I get the NREs, but nothing I have ever felt before feels like this. I had an ex-girlfriend try to kiss me and I stopped her, and reflected… I would have kissed her in the past, what is going on?

This brings me to the theory that you have three loves in your life; I got this from this article:


I will paraphrase the first two to save you some reading time!

First love

The first love, puppy love, junior high or high school, etc, it is the most amazing thing ever, and you are sure it will last forever, or until it didn’t….

Second love

The hard love; is the love that brings with it great pain in many forms, but it also brings valuable lessons.

It is the one that teaches you the most about yourself. In short, what you NEED, versus want, and the really important things. It is unfair that for most, finances, raising children, stress, and work act as weeds that kill the passion in the marriage tree.

It forces lust and passion feelings to become commitment which turns into resentment and creates a chasm of no feeling for the now ROOMMATE situation that exists in most dead bedrooms…. This will lead to cheating by one or both players in this game, or divorce. Ok, that’s my bitter take…

Third Love

The unexpected love that creeps up on you when you aren’t looking to fall in love.

BOOM — I was looking for someone to see me, kissing and sex….not LOVE….

At this stage in your life, you’re already comfortable in your skin and you’ve built a wall to protect your little heart.

This love will break that wall down. It is the love that will keep knocking on your door no matter how long you take to answer it.

You find yourself drawn to this person in an intoxicating way. It’s more than lust. It’s more than just romance. You’re attracted to how they carry themselves, the things they say, and the life they’ve lived. You’re captivated by how they make you feel about yourself.

They see the beauty in your imperfections. There is no hiding or pretending to be someone else with them. You have no expectations of each other because you fit like a jigsaw puzzle. You care about them more than you’ve cared about your previous loves.

They compliment you in ways you never thought possible, and you compliment them the same way. The third love breaks all the rules and any notions about how love should feel.

This is the love that teaches you how to feel love again. This is the love that will teach you how to give love back. It’ll teach you compassion and appreciation of your life and surroundings.

It is the love you’ll spend the rest of your life with.

Sounds like a soul mate to me…

Meeting someone in an affair and then going legit is maybe crazier than Hallmark RomCom storylines. But, if you are still married, you will be scared as fuck! Will you allow fear to steal your happiness? Do you want to keep surviving or start living?

To me my dear readers, I met my soul mate, and I am gonna go for it!

Tell me what you think.



Sir Mordred
The Scarlett Letter

I am here to learn, observe, and laugh. I am just an average male in his early fifties, who woke up and wants more out of life.