Burn the witch!

Matchbox Quotes Day 55 [2018–03–08]

Haris Čolić
Scene & Heard (SNH)
1 min readMar 8, 2018


Don’t be shy!

Our ancestors burned

thousands of young,

and innocent


Author’s Note|:

When I saw this submission call, and gave it some thought, it crossed my mind how easy it is to light a match, just as it was easy to burn a witch, few centuries ago.

That tells us a lot about our human nature.We were monsters once. Perhaps, we still are. So, I thought I should write something about it. Something that will make the reader really think about our past and present.

Everyone’s first reaction to “Burn the witch” would be: This is bizarre. Because it’s not a normal thing. But, long ago, it was completely ‘normal’ to burn a 10-year-old girl.

Recently, I watched a show on the Discovery channel about witches, and there was a story about a poor family (3 young sisters, their brother, mother and grandmother). After being accused of witchcraft, they were all burned at the stake.

After reading “Burn the witch”, a feeling of discomfort will follow, that’s why I wrote “Don’t be shy”. That simple sentence is the heart of this quote, because this piece is pure sarcasm.



Haris Čolić
Scene & Heard (SNH)

#Poet #Author #writer Degree in biochemistry👨‍🎓👨‍🔬 #Literary #Fiction #poetry #shortstories📚📕📖 #amwriting #amreading Website: https://www.hariscolic.com