Maneet Saluja
Scene & Heard (SNH)
3 min readJul 1, 2017

(And what have I gained from it?)

I have changed so much with time,
That I have forgotten who I was.
I have grown so much in life,
That my loved ones are now out of sight.

For none of them I had any time,
When my career was at its prime.
While I was busy in office doing over-time,
My family used to wait hungry for me over dinner-time.

Those days mattered to me only sound of dimes,
And I stopped spending with my family all the quality time.
One day they left me alone to enjoy my life,
Such a fool I was coz I took for granted my children and wife.

After I retired I had too much free time,
And spending it lonely felt like a crime.
Over the years I accumulated millions of dimes,
But of what use are they of now, without my children and wife.

I sit alone on my couch from morning ‘til night,
With a desire to end my life with a knife.
I regret every second for the faults of mine,
That, why didn’t I stop them when I had the time.

Now my kids must have grown and be married to wives,
And I’m sure they will treat their children better than I treated mine.
Since continuously crying I am losing my eye sight,
I wish to see them together one last time before I die.

I have changed so much with time,
That I have forgotten who I was.
I have grown so much in life,
That my loved ones are now out of sight.

Inspiration :
“CHANGED WITH TIME” refers to the situations which we create ourselves in our lives.
These are the walls which we build between our family and friends knowingly and unknowingly. I said ‘knowingly’ because we know that we will get Love if we will give Love and vice-versa. But yet we fail to acknowledge this universal fact of life. We may blame others for being selfish at times like friends, relatives or co-workers but what excuse will you give to the world if your own wife or children leave you? Are they also selfish?

No-one is going to take care of you when you will get old and sick. The only ones who will stick with you until your last breath will be your children and wife. Yes, I agree that the current scenario is quite harsh in corporate world. We have to work hard to survive. Agreed! But what about the family? Do you think it’s acceptable to neglect them when they need you the most. Family needs your Love more than anything else in this world. According to me the richest Home is the one which is filled with Love. So why to run after money which gives you just temporary satisfaction? I do firmly believe in the saying that “Money can’t buy you Love”.

What do you believe in?



Maneet Saluja
Scene & Heard (SNH)

Love to write Poetries and Stories. Also passionate about Photography. Just like to express myself as I am.