“July Dreams”

Scene & Heard (SNH)
1 min readJul 21, 2017

Photography By Michail Shneider

“July Dreams”| Michail Shneider |The Scene & Heard Online -July 21st 2017 |

July dreams of a beautiful girl — hot as the sun and as beautiful as love…

Join the Scene & Heard Online Mad Lib Poem:

“July Dreams”
Inspiration provided by Michail Shneider’s photo above.
To participate click on the heart and share your words in the response box below.

Write no more than a line or two … Everyone is invited to participate. Respond directly below and we will create a “July Dreams” Mad Lib using all your responses. The final Mad-Lib will be published the last day of July 2017.

The first line of the Mad Lib Poem is

July dreams of a beautiful girl — hot as the sun and as beautiful as love…

Nudge nudging some of you all…

Abby O. Akoto Melissa Najera Zev Anto Rinish Dennett Tre L. Loadholt Charles Andrew Seaton Charles Harry Mackenzie Robert Kamarti Moore Matt Vercillo Joey McKeown Meg E. Scott Alighieri Vinod Shenoy

