“She Has A Way About Her”

“Automatic Writing” By Diem

Scene & Heard (SNH)
2 min readSep 30, 2017


That’s why..
‘cause I see it..

I can’t worry about something with no solutions.
If there is one, I very well can’t worry; because, well, there’s a solution.

Trusting the self, blindly is liberating; mostly. It can get to you, yes, but paranoia, stress, fear, are taught and embedded. Made to feel like: “See, because when She comes to claim her spot in the game these puppeteers STILL think they have finally mastered with their quakes and cyclones apparently, they forgot one thing.

Or, perhaps blinded by greed they simply did not see. A time is coming where we: protectors, healers, fighters need to know where we stand. The war of worlds’ is out there, happening, and its not theirs to win.

She’s coming to take it back it has been written.
And boy, is it going to hurt. It will be one hellaova ride so hold on baby.. and see you on the other side.

She’s merciful to some of us. Only one god can decide one’s own fate here.
She is Earth-Air-Wind-Fire and our very own spirit. Only the self knows true intention.

Only one god will judge, will decide who moves forward to become part of the ocean, the soaring winds, earth and the roaring flames from the Sun.

It’s like nothing you can imagine .. and the rest.. will live forever … they should’ve read the rule book. Simple enough there’s only one!

Carpe Diem. Carpe Noctem, Carpe Vitam.
Live. Love. Laugh.

There’s crazy shifts that are occurring.
These are not predictions.

These are history lessons we already had.

Preparation… moments when the gods were talking, its the ones who were paying attention who will prevail. I know which side I stand on.

I’m walking to the Sun.



I received a message from SunSpirit: “How are you Tall One?”
The reply was what you have just read above. She responded: “ I love it” and asked if I would like to submit the piece to The Scene & Heard. I said “why not, it’s…different”

Diem, currently lives in South Florida, originally from Spain. He started writing at a young age, mostly journaling. He is now experimenting with the idea of “automatic writing” and submitted this piece the instant the writing stopped flowing.

