Siddhartha’s Morning on a Lake in The Mountains

A Conscientious Moron
Scene & Heard (SNH)
1 min readOct 25, 2017


Lake haikus

“Morning On A Lake In The Mountains” By Michail Shneider

strange verse of love in,

tranquil mornings on a lake,

misty and mystic.

fleeting ripples sing,

of perfidious longings,

whittle then vanish.

the lake in my veins,

freezes over as night falls,

yet thaws at first light.

the fish left the lake,

no visitors anymore,

I dry up in grief.

lonely fishing boat,

amidst the radiant blue,

floats eternally.

moody clouds gather,

reflect a baneful dark hue,

mustn’t dwell on the past.

you drink from my lake,

never return, pine away,

live in denial.

bluebird comes calling,

camps on my wistful lakefront,

dyes me electric.

untimely mourning,

poignant silence in it’s wake,

death of a loved lake.

