Still bleeding

Alessandro Tinchini
Scene & Heard (SNH)
1 min readOct 2, 2017

As long as I know you are out there, I will fear the lonely nights.


Shed your armor

Please do it

Let us surrender to the embrace we have been waiting for

So long

I still cry — Yes, I do

Those words are alive

They are so alive they are bleeding, from the first to the very last

I’m bleeding — For You



Let me feel your hands

One more time

It never really changed


And you still are


I’m Alessandro Tinchini and right now, I’m working on a dystopian romance saga called Two Hills. I published Day-job writers: keep the spark alive, a guide for writers busy with demanding day-jobs. If you want to know more about it, as well as receive updates on my future fiction and nonfiction projects, join my ride!

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