Gymkhana Election Proposal Ideas For The Casual Politician

The Scholars’ Avenue
2 min readApr 3, 2017
  1. An online complaint portal to complain against any of the other existing online complaint portals.
  2. Protein powder and a small towel to be included in gym membership.
  3. All final year courses to be scrapped and replaced by courses on Data Analytics and Risk Assessment.
  4. Memes will be made the only acceptable medium of Free Speech in campus.
  5. Nalanda will be brought closer to Patel Hall of Residence in order to spark interest in passing courses.
  6. The Scholars’ Avenue to be renamed LBS propaganda machine.
  7. Formation of a “Club-Cunnilingua” — Gymkhana to provide classes for FT aspirants to coach them in giving quality oral sex to European Women.
  8. TFPS to be officially declared ‘institute’s bitch’.
  9. Centralized repository of all parody Facebook pages KGPians made about their friends.
  10. Introduce live streaming of altercations between halls immediately following GC events.
  11. Urinals would be made paid advertising space for exciting up and coming Kharagpur start -ups in order to augment Gymkhana revenue.
  12. Final years students in their last semester to be allotted single rooms in Darjeeling.
  13. Internship mailing will be outsourced to efficient Nigerian spammers for better chances at FT.
  14. BRH hall will be renamed rightfully to BRA, and the rights of the campus majority to poke fun at BRA HCM committee members will be upheld.
  15. BC Roy Hospital to be replaced by a strip club called ‘Tempo’.
  16. Third year wings would be made based on students’ score on a mandatory FRIENDS trivia quiz.

